Looking for a ride from Binghamton


NEPA Staff
Hey there! So, me and two others are hoping to npc for the May event, but we unfortunately lack a car. If any of you brave adventurers would care to swing by Binghamton and pick us up, and return us there after the event, we would be more than happy to help with gas and provide copious amounts of death and destruction for everyone to share. If anybody's got room for us three, please let me know as soon as possible!
Maybe some of the Syracuse crew could help out since you're pretty much on the way?

How many of you are there?? I might be able to grab a few. That or Chad might be able to get a couple. We're both coming from Syracuse so like Scott said you're on the way. Let me know!

Just 3 of us, if you could help us out that would be superduperawesometastic! :D
As of right now I should have room if I can have my other friends follow me. I'll let you know. If not I'll talk to some of the other Syracuse people and see if any one can help you out.


Email me to remind me!

Awesome! Thanks a ton :)