Looking for a Scroll


Hello All,

I am looking for a Mist Sense scroll. I know this is not a ritual that may seek but I am need of one. If you have one you maybe willing to part with please let me know.

~Captain Aramis Seablade
Hi Aramis!

I thought you already got one last time I was in town, after we cast those two rituals with the Celestial Guild. Did you forget that you had that one? Or was that just when you first brought up that you needed a Mist Sense scroll? I forget (which is weird, 'cause I'm usually good at rememberin' things that happen).

Anyway, I'll be sure to give you one if I get one! Back home, the Ogres told me that it's a dumb scroll, but I'm sure it'd be useful for whatever sailing thing you're doing!

~ Silp
Goodman Silp,

You memory is not flawed. I however am in need of two Mist Sence scrolls. I was hoping to have found a second by now but have not seen or heard of someone finding one.

I thank you for any assitance you can provide.

~Captain Aramis Seablade