looking for a someone skilled with knowledge of nature, forests and/or flora


Hello All,

I am looking for a someone skilled with knowledge of nature, forests and/or flora to assist me. I have have 2-3 locations picked to plant a field of flower but will need to scout the areas with someone more skilled in this area. Once the location is picked I can have the field plant in the spring. This field will serve two purposes. One to act as a place of remeberance for all the countless lives lost to Bliss as each was like a flower. Secondly, this will serve a location to help sustain the new colony of Bee Kin. They cared for many during Bliss helping to reduce the loses in their area.

Please contact me if interested in helping and to talk about compensation.

Aramis Seablade

Long time ago I's was a farmer, If'n ye need help plantin things or pickin the right soil, I'm sure I could uncover enough of me old knowledge to be of sum use.


You are a man of many hidden talents. If this was a way to made your living in the past and still have it providing you with a little extra coin each gathering, I would say your skills in this matter would be welcome.


T'en I would say, me skills n me blades are yers frer this endeavor I'll see ya at market.


My family ran a farm until recently, and I still make a little coin farming, if you need my services, I would be glad to assist you as well.

Flowers! I love flowers!

I'll help plant them with you. I could even bring some from my lab, I grow lots of them up there! Plus I'd really like to meet some other insect kin, I've never met another one.

-Benjamin Bookworm

I won't be around until next year. However, while conventional farming isn't a trait I posses. I excel at tending to nature when there's a need.

If you still have need of me when spring shows itself. I'll do what I can.

Order of the Emerald Flame
Corbell and Benjamin,

You help is welcome.

I will not be planning till spring so I will let you know when incase you travels bring you close to Terna.
