Looking for components tied closely to the land.



In recent days I have begun seeing my trove of components tied closely to the land severely depleted due to the amount of Waystone usage I have incurred. I also endeavor to make an Item tied closely to the lands and would prefer not to use the more powerful components that travel easier if possible.

To that end I would like to request that should you have, or encounter components tied closely to this land of ours that you consider selling them to me, or any of the Defenders. We'll gladly pay a Gold a piece for them, which is a very fair value in my mind.

I understand if you have your own use for them, that's fine I don't begrudge anyone holding on to such things if they wish.


Lord Enan Bluewater, Keeper of the Azure Keep.
Sticks and bugs?...... Why not just find someone to rift ya around..... *giggle*
Because Tarqaq, Nara and Chip get worried when I just disappear on them, my wife would probably get worried too, but we don't tell her when that happens, not to mention when you are dragging 40 people in your wake it proves to be a bad time for experimentation. That's what we have people named Don't for after all.

Lord Bluewater,

I don't have many extras but what I have to spare I vill help you with.

How many you need?
