Looking for General Information on Chapter/Kingdom.

Hello all,
I am a prospective member who is looking to join this chapter in several months. I will be moving to Tacoma, and I have thus far been unable to find much information as what I can expect from your campaign.

I am also unfamiliar with what playtests I can expect, mainly I am wondering if the Harmonics Base 5, is used in this chapter.

Couple other questions,

I noticed under prices there were Weekend, and Long Weekend prices... what exactly is the difference there off.

Any Information should prove useful.
Our chapter recently went through a setting change, we have been working on getting everything written up for the website. Just email plot (at) neroseattle (dot) com. They should be able to answer any questions you have.

We don't have any playtests, since this is an Alliance chapter.

Weekend event is consider a two day event, usually starting friday evening and ending around noon on Sunday. A long weekend is a three day event which is generally Friday to Monday.

If you have any more questions, just ask away.
The Wanderer said:
I am also unfamiliar with what playtests I can expect, mainly I am wondering if the Harmonics Base 5, is used in this chapter.

This sounds like an International thing. Do you currently play NERO in whatever part of the country you hail from? If that's the case and you want info on the differences and all that stuff, feel lfree to shoot me an IM at sorrow _ kitty on yahoo. (take out the spaces)

I can help answer other questions you may have to, but I'm not a plot person so it'd be mostly rulesy stuff. :)
Diera said:
This sounds like an International thing.
It is.

Wanderer: NERO Seattle is an Alliance chapter. At this point, there are some significant differences between the games: three more classes (A fighter-rogue, a scholar-rogue, and a craftsman type), different racials (racial slay, resist fear, resist necro), more restrictive formal magic system (scrolls are expended when cast off of, some scrolls require components of a type which can only be issued twice per year), cantrips are not used, spellcrafting is used(short-term formal casting, essentially). The underlying mechanics remain pretty much the same though (damage - flavor - effect on weapon swings, packets for spells, packet archery, etc).

If you have any other questions concerning differences that Sarah can't handle, feel free to PM me.
<looks at The Wanderer and smiles> Well I personnally havent moved up there yet myself, but I think its going to be an experience, I can't wait to meet you and get to know you, someone moving into the same area from out of state, we would have a bit in common!
