Looking for imformation on mid wife in game

my dryad is a midwife skill. Working on putting a book together for her, with different races how they give birth. I know there is not a lot of imformation out there. So anything to start her book out would be helpful.
Moved this to Denver OOG because it's written in an OOG manner. If you post in the IG forums, please write as your character.
...Isnt there some bit on pregnancy and conception stats in the main rules book?... might be a worthwhile place to start, just take that information and convert it into IG terms : )

One thing I do know, to help:

-All races can inter-breed but the children will be the race of only one parent or the other. Hybrids (offspring showing clear mixed traits of both parents races) dont happen.
Actual title of notification email: "Looking for imformation on mid wife in game - New thread in watched forum"
My misread of notification title: "Looking for imformation on new wife in game - Thread in watched forum"

Veeeeery different...
Heck yeah!
I saw the title and thought, "If people are investing time and resources into something that's such deep pure roleplay, we have to get a city built worthy of this." I know it's a ways out and a lot of things have to happen, but can you imagine how this game is going to flourish when it has its own city to grow in?

Sorry I don't have anything useful to contribute :p
If only the PCs hadn't been so proactive on the whole wedding guard thing, I could have cleared up a lot of those loose ends :D