Looking for merchants and or friends.


These last market days have taught me much as an adventure. One that I seek better protection. I have heard much of these rituals and how they can advance one on the field. I do not seek anything immediately but merely answers.

I also see that some of these rituals have one of two auras or possibly both, the celestial or the earthern, of which we would be seeking the earthern if possible since we have one amongst our group that refrains from the celestial aspect with good cause.

We seek, and excuse me if I say their titles wrong, protection auras, damage auras for those creatures who are not normally effected by normal blades, and arcane armors.

Questions are, what are the materials for these rituals so we can seek them out, and where would be a good place to seek these rituals out? Or what would be the cost for these rituals?

I believe each of these also have time limits, we would be seeking the maximum length if possible.

-Bishop, EG
A quick lesson in ritual magiks:

To cast a ritual you need:
The proper ritual scolls,
The proper components for each ritual,
The proper catalysts if your rituals require them,
An extending scroll and components/catalyst if desired,
A peron(s) capabable of casting said rituals.

All rituals must be cast in the same batch.
The rituals you seem interested in can be either earth or celestial in nature.
The aspect of the caster determines the aspect of the ritual.
Rituals typically last one season if not extended.
Most of the rituals you listed have a "base" difficult and component requirement. Casting them at higher levels requires a more competant caster and more components. For instance, a +0 damage aura is easy to cast and requires 3ish components, whereas, a +3 damage aura is considerably more difficult to cast and requires nigh on 30 components. My numbers may be off as I do not have a scroll in front of me.

Prices of each part will vary based on demand.
Components individually are a few gold, however you will need quite a lot of them.
Ritual scrolls vary greatly.
Paying a caster varies.
Scrolls to extend duration and catalysts if needed are generally always expensive.
Finding/buying a pre-made item can be a better deal, but will seem more expensive as the price is paid all at once.

I hope this has been helpful. If you have more questions, seek me out. If you would like a more specific list of what you will need, feel free to seek me out. I would have you send me a list of what you want...but I have a feeling more questions will arise.


PS: There is NO good cause for refraining from celestial magik.