Looking for Monster Camp Director/participants


Hey all, I am a fellow larper from the mid-west and I live in Ann Arbor Michigan. The Ann Arbor Public Library just ordered some copies of the Monster Camp movie and wanted to give a presentation about the movie and LARPing. My friend arranged programs for the library and wanted to know if I could get ahold of the director of Monster Camp. I said I could try to put him in touch. In any event the Ann Arbor library offers honoriums and other perks for presenting/programing with them. We have a very cool city own theater as well where Moster Camp did play and we may be able to get another showing/signing. In any event, if you can help me out my cell number is two31three926056 and my email is russelld@umich.edu . In game I am Bob the Baker/Bob the Blacksmith and I normally play Traverse and South Michigan.

Many thanks,
dave russell
Hi Dave,

I found some things on our forums about the movie, but unfortunately something on these forums is stopping me from quoting each post through copy/paste. Here's the URL's:

http://www.alliance-seattle.com/forums/ ... nster+camp
http://www.alliance-seattle.com/forums/ ... nster+camp
http://www.alliance-seattle.com/forums/ ... nster+camp

And here's a couple links they referenced on multiple posts:

The producer's name is Aaron Kirk Douglas and the director is Cullen Hoback, but short of these websites I can't seem to find any info on contacting them directly. I believe there was an email that they used previously, but it's long gone from my email it looks like.

Their page on IMDB (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0970948/) looks to have a little bit of information on it, as well. It appears you can get contact info for them if you have IMDBPro, which is likely a pay-service.

Hope this helps, and best of luck.
Many thanks,

If anyone else has some direct contact information I would be very thankful.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

dave russell