Looking for more floor to sleep on.

Hewwo. Uhm, I gorra back a wittel wate, so I fink I missed all da wesuvationating. So, I wharra wonduhwin iffa someone be willin' ta house me an' my beauty Warmheart. Pwease weespond!

Pee- Ess- I canna offuh some payment.

Warpfang? Is dat you? I can now hear you in mah dweams! Oh! I must miss you horribibley! Are you looking for somewhere to sllleeep? I will bring hay just incase! Maybe some snacks two! I can share dese dodeeja treasures with duh nice people who help us! You have told me so much about duh kind hearts in Icenia! I can't wait two meet dem!

Wit much luff,