Looking for new adventurers this weekend

Hi all,

I have a room reserved (water) for myself and other new adventurers only - with remaining space! We're hoping for some modules aimed at us (without insanely high average levels).

If you know of any new-ish adventurers, please send them my way - we have space in the water room!
Aww, if I'd have seen this yesterday we could totally have organized! As it stands though there are 4 of us newbies in one of the cabins. Maybe we can all still run around together? :)
Yes: we can definitely hang out! Come say hi to us in the water room :)

One bed left in the water room for another new-ish (under level 10?) adventurer.
I hope you guys are planning on coming to the lowbie event, too! <3
Depending on the level you're looking for red still counts as a lowbie I think. I'm staying in one of the privet rooms with Kyle so ill be around.
105 build hard cap :)
Build cap of 105 is appropriate for our group... If Red is in this range, or somewhere near it, then please come hang out with us :D Regardless, come say hi in the Water room!

Will try to come to the Lowbie event, but that weekend isn't so great for me (for me it often depends more on the weekend than the level).