Looking for some help on boffer weapon material web sits.

I'm looking for 5/8 pip insulation but can't find it in stores o and kit spare that to. Now I herd that theirs a guy named Steven or some thing that now his stuff. But really I don't care who wants to help me please!!!!! I'm desperate The last event before winter "burrrrr" is around the corner so can any one tell me some website that has this stuff.
goodwinds.com has kitespar, it is fiberglass. Then mcmastercarr has the pipefoam
Menards and Doitbest hardware are the only stores that carry the pipe foam but not all of there stores have it.
And home depot, and lowe's...
I've never found the 5/8th pipe foam there.
Ace Hardware should have the foam you are looking for, personally, I would suggest getting the regular foam from Ace (or other store if you find it) and trim it to fit around kitespar.
The reason I say this is because the specialty foam I got for specific kitespar was unappealing large. I took a 5/8" wall, did some measuring and trimmed it to fit just tightly around the kitespar and had to do a little extra tapping but it works and is much lighter.
Yeah thats what i do.