Looking to buy components and other magical deals!

Hi anyone/everyone! As you may or may not know Forest Edge cast a good number of rituals at the last gathering. That being the case our components have been somewhat depleted. In particular we are out or nearly out of Nightshade and Truesilver components. We would be quite interested to purchase any reasonable amount of these types of components. Additionally we don't have many Penna, or Wand components and would be quite interested in purchasing components of those types as well if you have any for sale. Please message me privately if you have some number you would be willing to sell and we can arrange a deal for the next market day.

We also have some ritual scrolls (in the lands of Gaden) that I may be posting about soon that we would be willing to trade, so stay dreaming! :)

- Taloc, Treasurer of Forest Edge
I have this feather, I'm not sure what it does, but I could sell it. I know Bob would pay 2 gold for it, but I'd much rather see it benefit the town even if I get much less for it.

-Hunter Davion
Y'mean the feather you really wan'ed so's you could give it to your sister? Or was it somethin' else? I thought you two needed components.

Often people receive multiple components of the same type in a market day, and I believe the reason Davion and Allendra needed components this last market day was to enable her to disjucted all of us crafter back to Hopes Reach so that we could get the supplies to repair the castles gates and make the alchemical fire. As that need has passed so probably has their need for components. Just a thought.

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist
Davion said:
I have this feather, I'm not sure what it does, but I could sell it. I know Bob would pay 2 gold for it, but I'd much rather see it benefit the town even if I get much less for it.

-Hunter Davion

I would like to point out that I sent a 25 gold shipment out to help your lands, which I hope benefits your town. Thorador should have received it by now. In any event, you do speak truth, I have a standing offer of 2 gold for ANY components and if you get me them in large amounts I will pay a bonus. I also have a ritual scrolls from Gaden, I believe it is an Enchant.

Hope your battle went splendidly and hope to meet more of you soon.

Sorry Taloc for jumping into your business, I just felt a minor mis-represented.

Many blessings,
Bob the Blacksmith
No hard feelings Bob, I don't know you personally so I can't comment on representation one way or another.

By an Enchant scroll do you mean a scroll that can create a times ever magic items? Or a scroll that can create a times per day magic item? The two are often easy to confuse. If it is the latter I might contact you about it.
Young Master Taloc,

It is the former, the type that makes a times ever of a battlemagic spell. Recently, they became better, now you can make something with multiple times ever charges. It is not the expanded enchant.

Many blessings,