Several months ago, when the Master was defeated, there was a great and hectic battle in a crater, around a portal. A fair number of his minions carried a miscellany of items which, being elementals, dropped to the ground when they were killed. Those of you who found the time away from the battle to loot your kills, read no farther. To the rest, this week I found a pouch among my goods of what remained on the battle site after the portal was closed. Polare, myself, and a few others scoured the grounds for what little reward could be found, and I still have it. I will carry on my person these goods throughout this coming weekend. They are sorted by type; alchemy, potions, arrows, etc. If you feel you are entitled to a few of these things, seek me out. There is not much when spread about so many, but we are not thieves, so claim your spoils.
~Kerjal Obcidian Laetshi
~Kerjal Obcidian Laetshi