loremasters guild


As promised I am letting people know where to send thier reports for application to the Loremasters Guild.
Email to plot@alliancedenver.com, cc Miguel_alehandro@hotmail.com
And have in your subject line that it is about your submital for the Loremasters guild.
Thanks for your patience while the Guild gets its feet under itself :-)
Does a character need to apply in-game prior to sending in application requests online? I wasn't at the last event, so I couldn't get started (and I only know what has been said in the Forums and Fb).
Unofficial: Jeff, what I was told in-game was that the application is one's report about some cool lore, worthy of being published in the newspaper. I don't recall that anyone wrote down my name IG or anything that seemed like a more formal application process. I don't think you've missed out on anything here for not being at the event (although it was incredibly sad that you weren't there in general!).

There is now a Facebook group, "Loremasters Guild of Acarthia." Go join us over there. We're calling dibbs on newsletter topics to make sure we cover all the bases (although IG, the guild itself welcomes multiple reports on the same topic for purposes of your application/gathering info for the guild).

OOG Unofficial as well: I was told you had to be able to read/write, and submit a story about an adventure to the newspaper.
Thanks! I'll join the Fb group and think about a topic...
I'd like to be involved with this, but I don't want to have to go to a Facebook group. Are there any alternatives to this?
The FB group is for coordination and convenience. PMing me and/or HalveElven here or using email also works just fine.

Right now the main thing is that the task for admission is to write an article recounting an occurrence or adventure you participated in or observed (or interviewed a participant of), to publish in the Acarthia Times. This is to confirm your ability to gather, retain, and communicate knowledge/observances while also providing dissemination of that knowledge to the broader community of New Acarthia for the benefit of all.
Has there been any announcement about a meeting time or location for the Loremaster's Guild at the May 415 gathering?
Handling that now!