Lost and Found



The latex mace being used as the Physrep for the Ice Mace. (I'm pretty sure that I got this back from the PCs but I can't find it now that I'm home).
Oregonplot said:
The latex mace being used as the Physrep for the Ice Mace. (I'm pretty sure that I got this back from the PCs but I can't find it now that I'm home).
You guys threw it in the weapons for me to take from NPC camp (I'm guessing, since it was the only latex mace I know of on site). I was confused. We can swap it when I get the rest of the costuming stuff, or at the game day.
Black zip up sweatshirt - by Cascade Sport
In monster camp
I think that may be mine. Black on the outside, white on the inside, hole in the back of the neck?
Nope. It's all black, In fairly good condition. The inside of the hood is a mesh material. Size Large.
Oregonplot said:
Black zip up sweatshirt - by Cascade Sport
In monster camp

That jacket is mine. I'm going to try and make it to the game day next month. But if I can't be there: could you give it to Joe Hundley? Thank you for finding it!

OOG: Thomas Shaw
Does anyone have our group arrow-packet bag? It's white/cream colored with a fancy peacock on the outside. Might even have some arrow packets left in it? And tags?

Shibbolith's Shield Rep
wooden round, blue with gold feathers painted on.
Missing: One brown cloth longbown physrep. It should have a tag ducktaped on the front.