Lost and (hopefully) found


Hi all,

Did anyone find:
• A blow horn in the first cabin (nearest the cars)? I'm sure I forgot it there, hanging by the door.

• A black toiletries kit in the bathroom (by the first cabins)? I cannot find it, so I may have forgotten it there.

Let me know if you found either of these!
Patrick (OOG)
Sornelintion / Swifteagle / Eagle-eye (IG)
Even if it got left behind, I don't think there was going to be any other events on site so it should still be there. I accidentally left a blanket (or it evaporated) also
Hope its still there or gets found for you sir
I don't remember seeing it on my last walk of the site, but there isn't anyone renting the campsite before the next event. We will check for it that Friday.