Lost Copy Ritual Scroll


Chicago Staff
It was brought to my attention that after purchasing a ritual scroll for 34g, the scroll was not given to its buyer, Squire Foss Siril. If anyone from the last market has this Copy scroll please let me know. If it was a simple misunderstanding then that's fine. Please let me know if you locate this ritual scroll. I am offering a reward for its return.

Thank you,
I no know where scroll is but if I can help let me know.

I too offer a reward ov 10 gold. I vill give it to Asher at the next market vor anyone vho turns the scroll over in addition to hiz reward. Ve are one large family or perhaps community iz a better vord. Let uz not harm thiz vith zuch a thing.

May the light guide you and the Shadows guard your path
Kitaruen Kopanari
I also am putting in a reward of 10 gold for the return of this Copy scroll that was purchased by Foss.

I would also like to publically appologise to Foss, one of our trusted friends from beyond the mists, who travels here in good faith to provide what aid he can to us.

I am not certain what happened here, but it is something that we need to prevent from ever happening again.

I think Kit said it best, we are one community. I believe that communities are built on trust. Let's continue to build our community and find this lost scroll.

Walk with Honor
~Squire Victor von Gryphon
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