Lost: Seeking information


Er...friends and allies..

While I was preparing to depart for the fallen Squirrel's homeland, I believe it is -possible- that in the hustle and bustle of moving our belongings for transport to the Albatross, my full Earth spellbook may have been dropped inside the cabin that the Legion was bunking in.

It's most embarassing to me, as that book is a treasured gift from a friend, and I truly cannot express my shame at being so careless.

If any of you happened to come across it, I would gladly provide a reward for its recovery, for as meager as my coin may be, the sentimental value of this book cannot be described in words.

Thank you very much for any assistance you can give.


((OOG Note: That being said, I'm 99% sure that the book must have been lost when we were unpacking the Legion storage box after event close on Sunday in Goldendale for December, since that's where Zeth keeps his book at event. If someone did locate it, but their characters are of the utterly unscrupulous nature to keep what they find :sweat: , I would definitely appreciate the return of the phys-rep, which is a small, leatherbound old-style black book, with a wrap-around leather cord and old-school thick paper. The other 1% possibility is that it actually fell out of my bags and is currently residing in Kevin's [Flynn's] car, which I fully intend to check when I see him tomorrow.))