Lost Space Heater


Did anyone happen to come across a space heater that was left on site? I believe it would have been left either in Polare's cabin, the House of Nails, or by the car-lot near the cabins.
What did it look like?

I moved a space heater from one of the cabins (I can't remember which -- ours maybe?) up to the office in the tavern building, but it looked like the one I had taken out of said room as well.
It's black and grey with a digital-type reading. It's a tower heater :)
Yeah, that sounds like the one I took up to the tavern. It looked exactly like the camp's heaters though. :(
Well, now there is a clue :) Maybe someone grabbed it from the back room, or I'll be able to contact the camp and see if it could get picked up. Thanks!