Lots of Stock


Good people,

My company has recently received a large amount of stock, so the time to buy is now!

We have necklaces, a few earring, bracelets.

Two molded leather pouchs, handmade by me. A leather helm as well as leather greaves, black and brown respectively.

Other random finds and items.

Please come find me and my associate this next gather if you wish to buy or trade!

Malachi Wild Rose
Owner of the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company
How much for ze pouches? I find myzelf in need of zuch things but cannot zeem to find some suitable.

-Beryl R.T.

The two pouches are different. One is simply a molded leather pouch in a brownish color with a simple leather cord to tie it shut. This one is at an asking price of 40 gold

The other is a bit smaller but has three potion vials attached to it, it is brown with a button to close it. It took a bit more time to make this one so this is at an asking price of 50 gold

That being said I am willing to do trades, partial gold and a partial trade, etc. Please come look at them at the gather, I handmade them myself so any feed back on them is welcome even if you do not end up purchasing them.

Malachi Wild Rose
Owner of the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company

I am asking 15 gold for them. I am open to bartering, partial trade and partial payment, etc.

I invite you to try them on if you so wish, they are a bit big for some, but are adjustable.

Malachi Wild Rose
Owner of the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company
Kari, or Beryl. Iv vou vish zomething and he agreez to partial payment upfront. I vill help vou cover the remainder at the next market. I zimply vill not make it thiz time. Rose, I am good vor it if you will extend them credit. Azk around if vour uncertain. I am buzy opening my next chocolate zhop. That makes 6 now across 4 lands of Fortanniz. Kit and Kat's Chocolate the Wheel of Hope being the newest. Sells chocolate, wine, and has a small hostel/inn.

Kitaruen Kopanari

Alzo it iz a pleasure to speak vith vour Rose, vou made an impression on my couzin Locke. Hope to meet zoon.