Low Level Event Specifications and Rules

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Low Level Event Specifications

**Cap: 114bp (upper end of level 10). No exceptions or allowances will be made for non-combat build expenditures. This is a "hard cap."

**Magic Items:

Times Per Day Items: 10 effects total per person (ex: 2/day cloak summoned force, 3/day bane curse , 3/day spell shield, 2/day circle of power = 10 per day effects). This does NOT mean ten items per person (unless each of those ten items is only once per day).

Constant Items: One constant effect per person (ex: arcane armor, protection aura, weapons with earth/chaos, elemental or damage aura etc.)

There will be no limit on times ever items (ex: 4/ever bind, once ever dodge) as once these are used they are inert.

**General treasure: If the majority (50% or more) of a team is attending, they may bring their entire team treasury if they so choose. Otherwise players are expected to use their judgment on what is appropriate to sustain them for the weekend without spoiling the fun of others. This is to prevent a team from giving all of its treasury to just one or a handful of people and giving them an unfair advantage. If it comes to the attention of the staff that this rule is being abused, it may be considered a breach of the Good Sportsmanship Rule and handled accordingly.
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