25 PCs - 14 male, 11 female
High Orc - 5
Dwarf - 4
Elf - 4
Human - 3
Gypsy - 2
High Ogre - 2
Scavenger - 2
Hobling - 1
MWE - 1
Stone Elf - 1
Orcs and Dwarfs beat out Humans, Huzzah! MWEs were much lower than usual, but Stone Elf is about where it usually is. C'mon, join the pointy-eard, emotionally (and pigmentally) challeged!!!!
Fighter - 8
Templar - 7 (4E, 3C)
Scholar - 4 (3C, 1E)
Scout - 3
Adept - 1
Artisan - 1
Rogue - 1
The Fighters and Templars vastly outnumbered the rest at this event. By th time thee two sneaky classes (just Collin and me) got around behind things, the others had already beaten it down. Good thing, too, since we had only one dedicated healer with the other healers being the Templars who assisted the Fighters bringing the beat-down! The best healing is to not need any!
One more breakdown, since it was the lowbie event.
1 - 0
2 - 1
3 - 2
4 - 1
5 - 4
6 - 3
7 - 2
8 - 2
9 - 4
10 - 6
High Orc - 5
Dwarf - 4
Elf - 4
Human - 3
Gypsy - 2
High Ogre - 2
Scavenger - 2
Hobling - 1
MWE - 1
Stone Elf - 1
Orcs and Dwarfs beat out Humans, Huzzah! MWEs were much lower than usual, but Stone Elf is about where it usually is. C'mon, join the pointy-eard, emotionally (and pigmentally) challeged!!!!
Fighter - 8
Templar - 7 (4E, 3C)
Scholar - 4 (3C, 1E)
Scout - 3
Adept - 1
Artisan - 1
Rogue - 1
The Fighters and Templars vastly outnumbered the rest at this event. By th time thee two sneaky classes (just Collin and me) got around behind things, the others had already beaten it down. Good thing, too, since we had only one dedicated healer with the other healers being the Templars who assisted the Fighters bringing the beat-down! The best healing is to not need any!
One more breakdown, since it was the lowbie event.
1 - 0
2 - 1
3 - 2
4 - 1
5 - 4
6 - 3
7 - 2
8 - 2
9 - 4
10 - 6