Maelstrom Downtime


San Francisco Staff
Hey gang,

It's that time again. The time where I poke you to get your Downtime responses in. For those of you who have already taken fate well and truly in your hands and sent your downtimes in already THANK YOU. I cannot express how much easier, and more fulfilling for us to have your responses in early.

For those of you who sent in an email after December 30th 2016, there is a chance that we have lost that email, due to carrier issues. If you can please resend to, and we'll get that in the stack.

Please take a few minutes to read the text below so you have a better idea of what to expect moving into the 2017 Season. For those of you have sent your responses in early, the following will only apply to those responses that we will receive from today onward.

To summarize, Please keep your desired actions to 1-3 major actions, and 1-3 minor actions.
The more focused the characters efforts, the better results that will be yielded.
If you team up with other characters you will get even BETTER results.
(Have your group CC'd in an email consenting to, and outlining their actions so we know that responses will get to everyone, annnnnd we have everyone's consent for their characters)
Also, explain how, what, where, when, why. Perhaps your character is in possession of a primer for said language, or has spent time getting to know someone who is fluent, and may be willing to teach the character. Formal magic is a thing, and there are few problems that cannot be solved by it. Though formal magic will necessitate, an event, day event, mod day, or Tavern Night.

Involved conversations that will likely result in a back, and forth between characters should happen at a Tavern Night, or at an event, day event, or mod day.

A major action would be learning a language that your character doesn't speak, or would have no reason to. Deciphering runes from a tablet, Or researching obscure magics, learning how the Nexus forges work, etc. Some of the actions will require prolonged downtime actions, and/or significant interaction at events in order to yield fruit. The more concentrated the downtime focus, aka spending your entire downtime doing one thing will yield more fruit faster.

A minor action would be seeing to the well being of X thing, person, place. Do X chore, organize, and task a small group of competent people. "Go check x cave, and report back to me". Make sure to spend time at campfire telling story Z. Ff the check up would require/necessitate further action that can be done at an event, day event, mod day, or tavern night if there is no combat. Aka you check up on place, and it's covered with baddies. Don't need an event to not engage, but if you want to clear it out, that's an event, day event, mod day.

This is particularly important for people with big/involved downtimes. Please send us in your initial actions so we have plenty of time to think on it and get back to you, and allow you a chance to reply with your actions based on the information we give you.

For those of you with particularly involved actions, please understand those things will take the bulk of your time so don't expect to be able to do 5-15 things all at once. Try to limit yourself to 1-3 actions you really want to dig into with 1-3 small actions you don't foresee taking long. What you put in is what you will get back.
If you're working on taking-over/discovering/influencing/establishing/building an organization you'll spend time in face to face meetings with NPCs to get everyone on board with your plans, research & decisions on how you want to go about it, initial actions once you have established yourself etc.

For those of you researching a subject, especially an obscure one, there will be a similar drain on your time. Chasing down people & books and once you have that the actual research takes time. Constant interruptions will severely hamper your ability to make the most of your sources and will lead to you having less information.

Folks seeking to gain access to nobles and work on that front. Understand nobles are busy and generally speaking do not have the time or desire to meet with random folks seeking an audience, even if those folks claim a title from another land(going about getting your foreign title recognized would be an excellent downtime action!). If you already have contact with a noble you would be better off spending the time deepening those relationships and then using those connections to gain greater access to other nobles in the new season.
Just resubmitted my downtime. I though I had submitted it back in November/December with my Enneret one, but apparently I sent it after January. Hopefully there is time to respond before the event. Thanks!