Maelstrom Season Closer Nov13-15


San Francisco Staff
Hello everyone!

This upcoming November 13th-15th game will be the season closer for Maelstrom, as well as the season closer for San Francisco.

We will be at Cheeseborough scout reservation this time around. Our setup will be a little different than our usual setup as the Characters are in an interesting in game location, because reasons involving liquid hot magma.

Located under the surface in the depths of the Neverlight is a Vaeltarii (Vale-tar-ee) tribe-city. Here the Lantern bearers, (PC’s), and some of the resurrected natives have turned this abandoned town, into a place of refuge after the destruction of the bastion.

We will be using the Main lodge building to represent the Vaeltarii underground city. Specifically the lodge will be representing the hall-like area at the far end of the cavern that houses a well, what appears to be a command tent area, the celestial stalagmite, earth stalagmite, etc. The building is not a tavern (there is no tavern, unless someone wants to put one together ingame) PC’s are welcome to setup inside certain spaces of the lodge, and the surrounding area. Together with some features native to the building itself will make for an immersive environment.

For those new to the Maelstrom campaign we are a “power to the players” experience. The Maelstrom world is large, vast, with lots of places to explore, content to interact with, and creatures both foul, and fair. Maelstrom is an immersive experience where your actions, and inactions can, and will have pervasive results. The world, and its inhabitants, will react to you, and yours in a realistic way. In this manner great enemies, and allies alike can be made decisions that you make will come back to haunt you, or save you.

We would like to take this opportunity to encourage the players to try things, we have a “Yes, …and/No, …but” policy. Some things that appear to fail may yet yield useful information, things that succeed may have side effects, and vice versa. Don’t give up, just because something doesn’t work on the first go. Don’t feel afraid to try something because you are not sure if we can, or will roll with the punches.

If you can think of it, we might just run that mod…

To lift up the curtain a little bit, the Vaeltarii city is largely a secure location. There are construct guardians that wander the city on randomized patrol routes. They are beautifully constructed ebon golems, of various materials, iron, stone, diamond, and some that appear to be made of obsidian, or some other black glossy polished stone. Very little in the way of hostile forces are going to make it to the outskirts of the city, and fewer still will ever make it to where the PC’s are. Thusly if Players wish to adventure they will need to leave the confines of the city/town. This is not to say nothing will ever happen in the city, some things are sneaky, and giving away one’s location to your enemy, or being followed by enemies, could have what one could construe as “negative repercussions”.

There are several ways into the tunnels outside of the city, and several other ways to move around the world itself (find those out ingame) . Come to monsterland, and inform a staff member what you and your group are up to, and we will make the magic happen.

Attached is a rough map of the PC setup area, and out of game area for this site, for this event. If you have questions regarding setup please contact us at Thanks! Cheers!


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