Maelstrom Season Closer!!!


San Francisco Staff
The morning, and afternoon has been spent in preparation, casks of wine found, and rolled out. Food prepared some smuggled in from those hunting the tunnels, others raiding cold boxes of preserves, still good after over a decade. The healers in, and around the stalagmite all agree that tonight is the best night for it. Nikos, Saali, and the others agree that the prognostications for tonight's revel are the best. Those who can read the signs also see omens throughout their day. Stagnation broken, Conflict, Escape, Rebirth, Unknown. The scouts report that a red sun rose this morning, telling of blood last night, or blood this day for certain. The healers pass the word to the Lantern Bearers, and to the natives to prepare songs, stories, drink, and offerings for the dead, whatever they can spare, even some incense or some time in reflection. The lost spirits have to be lured back to the circle, shown that it is safe to do so. So much time has passed that they are likely afraid to move on, one way or the other, or their spirits remember the predators that hunted the freshly resurrected in years past.


Thank you for coming to Maelstrom's season closer! We have a lot of material in store for you this weekend. Dress warm, and bring layers, it's going to be cold.

Please check in with staff when you get onsite the camping arrangements are a little different this time. You will be able to camp around the main lodge, and that structure will be open for the PC's to use. Logistics will be over in that area. The camping area above is being used as a mod space, and the area below is also mod space, please stay out of those areas unless brought there during a mod, etc. Overflow camping will be located in the area near the Ti-pi, For clarification please see a member of the Maelstrom's plot staff and we'll get you sorted. The admin building is MonsterLand. Players please remain outside of the admin building at all times, unless specifically asked inside by Jay, Jim, or Greg.

Players feel free to show up anytime after 4pm, unless you have contacted us.

Staff, cast & crew show up when you can.

Load in & setup 4pm – ongoing

Plot, cast & crew meeting @ 7:30pm

(Please be aware that plot will not be available for questions during this meeting time)

Listen up @ 8pm

Soft lay-on after Listen up.

Full metal jacket @ 9pm