Maelstrom Season Opener/Teaser


San Francisco Staff
Hey hey everyone, hope you are all recovered from the winter months, and that you haven't floated away in the past few weeks of Rain. It is that time again... And I hope you are all excited, and ready to go for this season.

Please have your downtimes in NO LATER, than MONDAY 11:59 pm 2/20/2017.
For those of you who have already submitted your downtime THANK YOU.

We have new guidelines for Downtime, or IBGA actions moving into this season. Please take a look at that post.

The Lantern Bearers stand at a crossroads. The simple requirements needed for survival, and the preservation of morale are being met, ...for now. But what to strike out at next? Stone bears no love for the Lantern Bearers, and the groundwork for a telling assault agains the forces of Air has already been laid.
Allies of the Lantern Bearers continue to arrive either through the staunchly defended earth circle, or the efforts of the Lantern Bearers to seek aid from elsewhere. Those that would see the Maelstrom freed from its plight will need all the help they can get, and much, much more.
The enemies of the Lantern Bearers are legion, yet for the time being their fastness lies hidden. Angana will undoubtedly return and seek revenge sooner rather than later. The Lantern Bearers have stopped one countdown, only for another to begin. They will have to act swiftly, together if they wish to sieze this rare moment of initiative.
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