Maelstrom Teaser Episode 2


San Francisco Staff
The snows begin to melt, and the spring season approaches. The season of war. The double hammer blow struck against the foes of Fortanis still echoes through the caves. Bear has been saved from the maw of Dream Eater, and the Dread Pride of Stone laid low. Plans of the Outsiders have, for now, been thwarted, and great steps taken to resolving the planar imbalance. None of these strides towards victory have been taken without sacrifice, and the stalwart have borne the cost. Now as the seasons change, and the next gather looms, the warriors of Fortanis marshal their wits and weapons to strike out again at their implacable foes. There is much to do, and this lull will not last. Even with Bear restored and the spirit realm saved for the time being, those who resurrect are coming back wrong. Something has been twisted with the cycle itself, and this must be resolved for the fight to continue. The enemy already moves unseen on dark errands few can sense. These plans cannot bode well for Fortanis – they must be uncovered and once again derailed. Clues as to the origin of the Empires have surfaced in the trek across the seas, and the fall of both Empires begins to be understood, but must be pursued further. Old enemies and new are sure to arise to challenge the Mystwalkers even as they struggle to discover answers, more questions, and more tools to fight their enemies. Come one and all! Take the fight to the great enemy of Fortannis: the Outsiders and their fell servants! Aid those who would defend creation by thwarting their fell plans, and maintain the tenuous grip on the initiative.