Maelstrom_18 Ep. 3 Teaser


San Francisco Staff
The Lantern Bearers, Mystwalkers, and a handful of the Resurrected gather in a cramped Vaeltarii “fishing village” underneath the heart of the Biata kingdom deep in the once held territory of the Iron Hand.

The past few weeks have passed in a blur of preparation, underground patrols, planning, and nervous stealth. Somewhere above, via Nexus Forge transport, lies the secluded hideaway of the Biata rulers. Once used as some sort of summer retreat, and/or the private residences of some of the Empire of the Iron Hands most elite, now stands abandoned. This objective is a promising, and unprecedented opportunity to exploit.

The promise of great spoils, irreplaceable artifacts, knowledge, and hopefully finally some concrete answers is simply too much for the stalwart defenders of Fortannis to pass up anymore. So to that end, the many have gathered and are patiently waiting for cover of darkness to ascend, via nexus forge, to the lands above, and do what they do best.

But, this mission is not without its perils, or challenges. The area above is known to be patrolled by automata, wandering elementals, and some “other” things that the scouting parties have decided were simply best to avoid at all costs.
Traps, and hazards incurred over a decade or two of extreme neglect, and physical disasters must also be overcome. Operating without a nearby earth circle, or the possibility of rapid reinforcement the Lantern Bearers, and Mystwalkers must take care to extract as much as possible with a limited time window, and a very, very narrow margin of error. For surely if the defenders of Fortannis can think of it, then surely the great enemies may have thought of this very strategy as well.
To make matters more challenging time does not seem to be operating normally in this area, and communication with other allies, and even more intimate connections are strained, or non-existent altogether in this location.

Now is the time to sharpen your wits, and blades, and prepare for a very high stakes game of cat and mouse as you, and the other defenders of Fortannis attempt to extract as much in the way of wealth, tools, answers as you can before something, somewhere goes terribly wrong.