Magic Item and Ritual Scrolls for October


At the October event, NERO Seattle will be conducting an audit of all Magic Items and Ritual Scrolls. Please bring all Seattle Magic Item tags that any of your characters own along with any Seattle Ritual Scrolls to the October event. This includes expired tags that you may have on hand. As per normal circumstances, you will not need to bring any tags in game that you do not want to, but we need the tags at the event so they can be audited.

If you have any "temporary tags", these need to be exchanged or updated by or at the event. They may be invalid after the event if not changed to a "real" magic item or ritual scroll tag at that time.

Should you be unable to attend the October event, please bring these items to the next event you are able to make it to and we will conduct an audit of your tags at that point.

This audit will be conducted periodically in the future.

If you have any questions or comments about this policy, please post here or contact myself or another NERO Seattle rules marshal.

-Bryan Gregory
NERO Seattle Head of Rules
Scrolls and whatnot...

For scrolls that have already been allowed into the chapter from chapters that are nolonger active (Cali/NW) would it be possible to turn them in and have seattle replacement scrolls issued?

This will be considered. I'm not sure of the Alliance bylaws issues associated with this, but will look into it so we don't have the "allowed but not really here" scroll issue anymore.
