magic weapon creation. What stacks?


NEPA Staff
So when makimg a majic weapon. What stacks?

Do DAs stack with slayer? Is it double by earth or fire on the appropriate mobs? How does it work?
That i got... but the rest folks dont seem to know
When a Slayer or Reaver is active against it's proper monster or race you can call 'magic' or the base (normal or silver) of the weapon against that foe.

if you have an elemental blade, or aura, or an earth blade or aura currently you can 'stack those with a slayer or reaver.

Yes this means that you can stack an earth aura with an undead slayer and a Scholar can swing '10 earth' against whatever. This is obviously very OP and may possibly change... but that's the way it currently works.

- HQ HoR
And if the weapon has a DA of say 3 and a monster slayer 8. Do they add together?
No, Damage Aura's and the additional damage from Monster Slayers do not stack.
So if I have a +6 troll slayer with flame aura trolls would take my total profs + weapon+6 x 2? same with undead if I had a da and earth blade?

Aggravain said:
So if I have a +6 troll slayer with flame aura trolls would take my total profs + weapon+6 x 2? same with undead if I had a da and earth blade?


Yes. Regardless of what you have stacked, if the npc takes double from flame, they take double.
Awesome. Thanks guys. Last question. I ask cause most people dont know these things. Does monster strength from a golem add to damage from a DA?
Monster Strength from a golem adds to whatever magical weapon you are swinging. Like weapon profs it adds to whatever other 'additional' damage you can deal.
cool many thanks all. It makes it easier to plan
Just a quick checkup on this - undead slayer can actually be made? I hear there may be restrictions against that particular one.
Cozy said:
Just a quick checkup on this - undead slayer can actually be made? I hear there may be restrictions against that particular one.

Yeah, that's the most common type.
Some chapters will not let you gobbie an Undead Slayer...this might be what your thinking of.
I am guessing that HQ is one of those? XD
As far as I can tell from the new MI policy, if you buy a premade slayer (+2, +4, or +6) or the monster slayer scroll, you can designate it to be vs. undead. There is a gift of the land called Assassin that grants a temporary monster slayer that is not allowed to be designated as undead.