Make me look better!

Sometime in the next few months I'm going to set aside about $150 for new costuming, but I don't know what I want. For reference, here and also here are a couple pictures showing off my current getup. I was a little lazy about the plant stuff in those pictures, normally I'd have leaves and flowers in my hair.

A couple notes to help guide what I'm looking for:
1) I'm already working on improving my armor - I've added lamellar spaulders (translation: shoulder armor made of small pieces of leather laced together) and a pair of flowery greaves since those pictures were taken. That said, if I see a good deal near my price range, I'd think about buying some new armor if better ideas don't come along. I might get these to match my bracers.
2) I need new pants. I wear black cargo pants which work well enough, but I really should have replaced these with something better by now.
3) I like my costume for the most part, but I'm not sure it fits my character concept super well. For example, the poofy renaissance shirt looks better than what I had before, but it's a little too foofy for Briar. I'd like to get something a little more rugged looking.

Feel free to criticize my costuming as harshly as you want as long as it's constructive.
You'd look better as a kin...that's all I'm saying at the moment...
Lurin said:
You'd look better as a kin...that's all I'm saying at the moment...
I disagree, he would look better as a dwarf. Dwarves are the master race after all.
If plot race-changes me at the one-day, a certain owner I know won't get his fancy new armor.
Come to the jingly side, ve rom have better dental than the other races...that is all

And I like the poofy shirt it makes me think Briar is trying to be a gentlemen despite not having the first clue being a dryad...

On a more serious note I do really like the leaf greaves, they would go with the bracers well. Adding a little more foliage probably wouldnt hurt or upping the facial make up slightly. As far as chest armor goes, finding a leaf or bark style armor would be great but the leather works
KyleSchmelz said:
If plot race-changes me at the one-day, a certain owner I know won't get his fancy new armor.
Note to self: Write a Briar race-change into a mod I'm running, so I can deprive Dave of his super awesome new Kyle armor...


1. Not sure exactly what you should do armor-wise, but I will admit that your armor's color sort of clashes with the rest of your gear. Then again, scrap armor is like that, and I do like your armor. I look forward to seeing these flowery greaves you mention.

2. When it comes to pants, I always suggest finding some brown or black scrub pants at a thrift store, which look good (because they are so simple) and are dirt cheap. When it comes to LARP pants, simpler is usually better, given that pants back-in-the-day generally weren't really that special or decked out. You could find some with pockets, which are more uncommon, but I personally suggest a pair without pockets (usually for the ease of dropping everything on you if you dissipate: It's an easier process when you just drop your pouch, rather than having to dig through all your pockets to drop all extraneous tags etc., which most folks would forget to do in the first place).

3. I think that your current shirt looks fine (in fact, I am very fond of that shirt, and perhaps I will someday get one like it). It's less of a "poofy shirt" as y'all call it and more of just a "loose" shirt. Say what you will, but there's a difference in my mind. An example of a poofy shirt is Enan's maroon shirt (and that's true beyond debate).
Hey Kyle,

As someone who used to play a Dryad for pretend like me weigh in with some thoughts:

- Alexander hit it on the mark when he mentioned pants. Cheap thrift store pants are really easy to look in period, while still being comfortable. The pants I use for Asher (dark brown with black markings) were 2 dollars at Goodwill, and fit well. Or, you could always go the route of tights/leggings if the top garment is long enough. While pants aren’t really thought of first with costuming, out of genre pants are easy to spot and people do take notice.

- The shirt. I like your puffy shirt. I feel as Rob D said that it makes you seem more gentlemanly, like you’re trying to fit in with the world. However, as Briar is a very rugged individual who doesn’t care for how nobility look or act, I would suggest dying it a different color. If you want a rugged Dryad look to it, maybe dye it brown, or tan. Keep the tone earthen in nature, which will blend in with the surrounding of the forest. Another suggestion would be to sew black lines of thread in various directions of the shirt. You’d keep it white, but give it an effect similar to how Talitha does her formal lightning dress.

- Green over shirt. Keep it, it complements the rest of the attire.

- Change colors with the seasons. In the winter, don’t have leaves at all (have twigs/brown makeup lines or even brown leaves). For fall, add some red/yellow/orange somewhere. The one thing I enjoyed in my Dryad days was having different costuming for spring/summer/fall/winter; leaves would change color, I would wear green in the spring, brown in the summer, orange/red in the fall and the white robe in winter. It’s something people do notice and helps to immerse not only you but others with the notion that there are in fact, walking plant humanoids here.

- Armor. I like the armor for the chest. It’s really nice to have a warrior-type character that looks like he’s ready for battle. I’m all in favor of Arcane Armor, but I feel physical armor on a fighter/front line person really adds the badass intimidation factor to it. Group the bracers, greaves and armor together and you’ve got a Dryad warrior. As a Dryad, you’re burdened with not having metal which means for 2pts you’d have to have heavy leather armor everywhere to achieve anything close to your max. For a few extra points, and it wouldn’t be that expensive you could add hanging leather pieces around your waist to cover the upper legs area. Also with shoulder armor that will knock you up a few points as well.

- Make up. As a Thorn, I like the face makeup and its attention to detail. When I look at Briar, I instantly know he’s a Dryad by the leaves/makeup/color tone, which is what counts.

- Extra. You could always try picking up a shield. Throwing axes and maces is a great combination, but if you’re looking for “extra armor” a shield can add to that. Or just go dual-wielding maces. If in fact you do have a shield and I’m drawing a blank, then ignore that.

- Ditch the mace/shield and pick up a staff. 


p.s. Plot- If you’re making a race changing mod can I be invited too? I promise out of the goodness of my heart I’ll save other PCs by getting hit with it, by being hit with it myself. What a nice guy I am!
Draw-string Scrub pants! They come in lots of colors, and are fairly cheap. I have several pairs with pockets on the outside leg (good spot to stash stuff that you steal from Enan :twisted: ).

If I was you, I would invest more in green armor or maybe a hat. Although I like the other Ryan's suggestion of changing colors with the seasons.

-Ryan #1
By the way, this is my current shirt. It used to be $25, but it's still less than $30. I can confirm that it's pretty comfortable.

This is all really good advice, thanks guys. I'm not 100% sure what I'll be getting just yet, but I will at least get the greaves and start putting a little more effort into changing with the seasons.