Makeup fun!

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Since I do makeup for a few of the Dark Elves, I figured I would open up my services to anyone who wishes to have fun designs or just get their makeup done. I will be availible at gamedays and events so if you would like me to do somthing then please let me know as soon as you arive on site since I will most likely be there quite early for any of the gamedays and events. If you doubt my ability then just ask brad or bond about it, they seem to enjoy my work. If you have any design ideas you would like or want me to come up with one then either PM me or Email me before hand so I can get them ready. And just incase you are wondering, I work cheap and can be bribed with food or drink.

hey fool, still looking to rummage through my paints?
if so, i can send them up with someone on friday since i wont be there till very late saturday. *smiles*
lemme know.

If you do go, could you please do my makeup for me?

Make up eh? I have a small and very simple challege to you then. Though we haven't met my character requires a small amout of make up but I have dificulty making it look good. I would welcome the chance at someone with experiance trying their hand at it. I look forward to meeting you at this next event and I would be most grateful for some of your time.

I'm sure the makeup you need done will not be to chalenging but I do ask only two things, first: wash your face and make sure it is dried rigth before I do your makeup and second: I'm not to fond of doign makeup for free, my normal price is 5$ average and it will go up or down depending on what you want done but I do love to haggle so if you don't feel like paying then try and find some other way to sway me. To give you an idea I would normally charge 5$ to the people who play Dark elves and that means that I will do ALL of thier makeup. You want an idea of my skills, just take a look at Mr. Brads makeup or if you saw the scorpion I did on Mr. Nicks head.

Oh no trust me on this one it is far easier then dark elf make up. To keep it simple I will draw what I need and show you once I get there. Once you see it if you still insist on wanting payment I would be more than happy to do so. It just would be nice so see it done with some skill rather than my poor work ;). I look forward it.

Thank you for the offer, but I can dark elf myself up very well with the make up that I have. Plus I know mine breaths, and won't come off when I go swimming in it.

But if anyone would care to try this stuff out, I may be perswaded to let you sample some.

Talk to you later,

Jeff/ Kyu
Babbidge said:
Thank you for the offer, but I can dark elf myself up very well with the make up that I have. Plus I know mine breaths, and won't come off when I go swimming in it.

But if anyone would care to try this stuff out, I may be perswaded to let you sample some.

Talk to you later,

Jeff/ Kyu
What makeup do you use?

-Leigh-Ann aka Moon Kitten aka Plot Mistress and inquiring Dark Elf Connoisseur