Making a Journey


Friends whom I have not met,

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Haldaren. Son of Fasir and Haldair, friends of natural flora and fauna alike. My correspondence is to inform you that I will be leaving the comforts of my home and begin venturing to the world. I ask for your help, as it seems that I will be stopping through within the coming weeks on my journey. Perhaps I will learn a thing or two! At any rate, I am sure this will be a pleasure. I have heard many things about your people, as well as the... rather unremarkable presence of the Elves in your area. Perhaps that is because of the cold this time of year?

(OOC: As like most posts I have made, I am not sure if this is the place to put it! Trying to introduce Haldaren before I get there, as it's something he would do if he was hoping for a welcoming visit.)
Greetings Haldaren!

Should your travels indeed bring you through the area, I might encourage you to come enjoy my hospitality at the Falcon's Roost! I am always looking to meet new people and learn of their stories as I serve you a pint of one of the many fine ales that are brewed by yours truely!

Also, as traveling can be relatively expensive, I may be able to help connect you with those who want odd jobs completed here and there.

I know that there will be a gathering of adventurers in eight days time, perhaps I will see you then.

Kind Regards,

Proprietor of the Falcon's Roost
Guardian of Hope's Reach (aka Free Beer City)
Hmm, it seem like you be not dhink'n to hard if ya dhink all who see dhis letta be a frien' you not met. Dhat be fo you to fin' out dho, hope'ly it not be a harsh lesson, like it was fo me.

If ya be travel'n t'rough dha West'n Wood dhan be sure tah fin' some of us, who be dhere to 'elp whit a strange blight.

If you be 'avin question or anydhing jus' ask fo Hengin, I be takin' yo nature of presumin tah mean dhat you dont want no harm on people, an I believen dhat till ya give me reason not to.

Dha West'n Wood be danga if ya no know it so good, walk safe an sleep safe'a.

Mayhap I be see'n ya soon,

oh, an Mcgrega a good man, but he fill ya whit ale an bleed ya of ya coin. Keep dhat in mind, he be a good guy, but a good an smart brewa too.
Thank you for your tips, Hengin. Thankfully, drinking is not my strong suite!

I will likely see the both of you there, then. If there is any assistance in jobs which I may lend a hand, then I will happily do so.
