phedre said:
Since catalysts are rare, and the extender scrolls are coveted, it makes sense to wait an extra 6 months to cast your item: you might never, as that character, get your hands on one again.
To be clear, when she says rare, what that means is that catalysts only go out for a certain high number of players per event. Of the full spread of catalysts, only two of one particular type may go out in a year.
So if you pick up a permanence catalyst in January, and just happen to be the lucky guy to pick one up in June, you know, without a doubt, that another one won't be coming out for the rest of the year.
Preserve doesn't have a catalyst associated to it, but is still a fairly spendy scroll to acquire, because those who can't afford a permanence more than likely can at least afford a preserve.
Those are the only two extension rituals available. And they can still fail while casting.
So people wait for extenders instead of just making one year items... you have to remember that they aren't the only ones after these scrolls. If the ritual policy was more affluent you'd probably see people casting rituals more often and waiting for extenders less. If extenders could be applied later in that scaling up fashion, you'd probably see people casting things more often then slapping a preserve or a permanence on it when they found one.
It's a big picture problem with a lot of little pictures inside it. The entire system for it really just needs to be re-evaluated.