Many thanks and a search for information


Firstly, I would like to thank the adventurers who made me feel welcome this past market day. I have been travelling on my own for some time and it was nice to have some company and purpose for the first time in ages.

Secondly, I plan on returning on the Market Day in two weeks time. Our last encounter with the creatures of Chaos and Undead have left me with wounds I will need to nurse and heal before I will be physically helpful to anyone. However, should there be anyone in town I could advance my research of Alchemy with or could maybe point me in the right direction, I would very much like to converse with you. I have an old notebook of my mother's but I can only understand very little of it's contents. I would like to continue her research and work in her honor and as a way of keeping her legacy alive.

Many thanks again, and I hope to see you all again soon.