Marcena? Jara?.....Anyone?


I followed the setting sun just like you said Marcena but I don't think I'm back in Wayside, now I'm somewhere were I don't know were I am. Maybe theres a town or something near-by and I can get some directions back home.....

Marcena said:
I can only guess dhat dhe sun sets dhe same way dhe sun go down and walk in dhe opposite direction of dhe setting sun. Dhis is east. Now to go sout', you know dhat star in dhe sky, dhe one dhat ne'er changes in dhe sign of a big ladle? Walk away from dhat star for dhat will guide you nort'. Or if travel you by dhe lands, look to dhe trees. If dhe moss grows facing dhe side you are walking, turn around. Is alvays on dhe nort' side of a tree

AH! Durl! I tell you to follow OPPOSITE of dhe setting sun!

Oh vell. Durl, 'ave fun in dhe Crossroads. I 'ear dhat dhey are nice dhis time of year and, eef you see 'im...say 'ello to a man named Avaran for me.

May Fortune And Love Find You Where'er,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Dagon
You did travel a bit far. But the people here are kind and wise I am sure that one of them can guide you back home. May to not stay lost.