March 14th Camp Matta Work Day!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey folks!

On Saturday, March 14th, we will be having an indoor Work Day at our Camp Matta site! We want to get everything all primed and ready for the new LARP season, and we’d love to have a good showing of players come out and join us! Starting at 10:00 AM and running until roughly 4:00 PM, we will be doing assorted work to clean, repair, and sort the main building of the site, as well as possibly some work inside the garage.

Once the Work Day portion of the day is done, we are also planning to have a game competition, complete with some nifty LCO prizes as our thanks for your help during the work day! More details on the competition to follow, with the conclusion of this competition before 8:00 PM.

As usual for our work days, attendees will be granted 30 Goblin Stamps per hour worked, plus an MI Pick award for every 3 hours in attendance (that's 2 MI Picks if you are on time).

Please let us know if you will be attending!

Folks that'll be attending:
1. Dave G.
2. Alexander T.
3. David R.
4. Emma B.
5. Peter H.
6. Andrea R.
7. Esten R.
8. Matt M.
9. Jen S.
10. Vaughn W.
FYI - I don't think that I will be able to make this event.

SO..... Anyone want to be in charge of feeding the worker-bees???
I won't be able to make this one. However I do plan to bring a few folks to the April Outdoor one. That I know for sure.
Since we're all announcing who isn't going, I won't be there! Have fun!
I'll for sure be there, potentially with a surprise guest or two. ;)
Count me in!
Hey folks, something that would be great to have in time for the work day would be some more clothes hangers for NPC camp, so if anyone had some of those (or wanted to go out and get some at like a thrift store for super cheap) and could bring them, that'd be much appreciated and rewarded with goblin stamps!