March Event Review - Trial of Tal the Traitor

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Hi folks,

We would like to receive your feedback. High point, low point, where we can improve.
Was good - my favourite part was when the hooded figure came in and we were all cautious for a bit. I caught a glimpse of his white face and figured he was the Stone Elf from the trial before Magnus had his 'mini-stroke' (drained)

My least favourite part was the break in tradition of going to the Bar instead of to Denny's. It's much harder to carry on a conversation and the drinks are damned expensive ($2.50 per glass vs free refills? What the hell!?) The bar atmosphere is the main reason I don't go to Wednesday wings - I'd hate to have to miss out on the after-game gathering for the same reason.
Overall, very good stuff!

The decorations to turn the usual bar into a court were excellent!

And the three judges did a very nice job. The questions were mostly closed ended and did not give us a lot of rope to hang ourselves with <grin>. Now it they had asked Isawda's opinion of the Arch Mage... "As I have told others who have asked, I find him cranky and chaotic. But he is also very powerful and the Regent and should be obeyed for both reasons." And if asked if I had every heard any hint of treason, a certain group of nobles who came to the breach and solicited support for replacing the King comes to mind.

One concern is that, with the exception of the tomato throwers, the audience may have felt a little uninvolved. Combined with the break between the two events, that may be been a long slow start for those not on trial for their lives!

The Gypsies were great, even the noisy one that reminded me of Klangor.
And the Vampire was mega creepy.
But the the Chaos creatures were the best, and the cupcake eater was the best of the best!
@Mike - I'm glad I didn't eat both of the cupcakes I bought to give the 'cupcake eater' that opportunity :D (I didn't want to use my coppers, so I paid a silver for 2, but only actually wanted to eat 1 - didn't really know what I was going to do with the other - I had thought to offer it to Nadia when she woke up, but a lot of people enjoyed that little moment so it was worth it :D )

I mentioned the group of nobles briefly in my defence of Lauront (He pretended to curry favour with them to learn their plans - I had intended to mention that I had called Isawda in to listen as well, but the questions didn't follow up that way.)

I was a little disappointed with one other thing - I was anticipating that Math would have been asked if he had any plans to harm or remove the King from power. I had an empassioned speech prepared about how poor trade was since the civil war and how King Ulric brought order and stability and that's why I've come back to trade here. That's okay thought ^-^ coming up with the speech on it's own was good insight into why my character does some of the things he does.

That's one of the things I like about the impromptu roleplay style of LARP - sometimes you 'discover' things that retroactively make sense to explain why your character does certain things that kind of help make them feel organic or have a place in the world.

The Gypsies were great! I'm glad Math had an opportunity to talk to Victor again (and actually, it was good to see Andreas back in general!). I was actually a little nervous and almost didn't approach the gypsies - but I'm glad I 'took the risk' - that's part of what LARPing is about, isn't it? Taking risks in a somewhat 'safe' environment, which helps to learn that sometimes it's worth it to take a risk.
The event was great! The trial was hard to get through, found it a little slow, but it was a trial, so its to be expected :( . Yettas table of collectable souveniers was great as well. :funny:

Over all, the trail played out very well, even though we were missing some key characters.

The tavern was by far the best part of the evening :yes: , lots of action no dead spots, Great planning Plot! Loved it when the Gypsies "decontaminated" my baked goods :noway: .. still having a giggle about it. Glad that Nadia is finally back. Thats a relief.

Also, loved (even though I was beat) heading over to the bar after the event, nice, close to home, and the waitress apparently loves us. Not big fan of Denny's as I find their food common, and not always the best at weird hours of the day :shock: .( Also, Math you will note, that you got a regular pop, when for 1$ more you could have had a mini jug, which comes with a free refill, which if you can make it through two of those, good luck.) :er:

Thanks again for another great event, and for all the help. Great job everyone. :yes: :yes:
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