March Favorites


Chicago Staff

It was a good start to the 2016 season. Thanks for those who hopped fence to make things run smoothly. My favorites below:

- Saturday Echo mod. I thought it went really well on both sides, and we were able to get what was needed done.
- Kale's Love9 dilemma. When Duncan came back almost dying to rats because Kael told him to go off to be an adventurer I was dying inside.
- Oliver interactions. Either tipping him silver for making me look good, or buying his stock, or both being defeated by Val/Jordan showing off his pull-up finger strength.
- Badger/Pelican mod. "I am not embarrassed by this at all"- Carly, as she's flapping these huge sleeve wings. "Hey, it was your idea"-DG.
- Sitting down at a table with 9 people, only to realize it's a Gryphon Guard meeting. "Wait, you're all in the Gryphon Guard?"
Thanks to Dave for his continued work making this a game I want to come back to year after year. Thanks to the NPC's you guys were short staffed and did an amazing job anyways. Thanks to players for hopping fence. Thanks to Christina for doing a fantastic job with food as always. Amazing event and a great way to kick off the season.

-Great Friday night town fight. I unfortunately didn't get to see what was going on inside but the fight outside was well done by everyone.
-Being one of the last people awake both nights, that almost never happens to me.
-Finding more out about the Lissente children and being relieved they weren't in the 5 - 10 year old range trying to survive a harsh winter with no parents.
-Fake knight and squires. Everyone just sat around instead of jumping him and let him start hitting them with gases but the moment he looked like he was going to hurl one Olivers way the fight was on.
-The celestial guild star servitor mod was really well done for the group that went.
-Saturday night town fight was also very good and well done by all. Thanks for not making everyone slog through the extremely wet front grass.
-All of the foci mods I went on were extremely fun. Hadn't dealt with Salamanders in quite a while!
-Going with the Romani and others to find out how to take care of the foci was a great mod.
-"What if someone theoretically uses a 10 build racial?" "You can dodge the mod!"
-Any conversation between Oliver and Baeleon.

All in all a fantastic event I'm likely forgetting some things but hopefully others will cover them.
I was pretty apprehensive about bringing in a new baby character; I wasn't sure I would like being so wimpy and out of the loop. It was sometimes hard to figure out how to not be Talitha (after playing her exclusively for six years) but, in the end, I did have a lot of fun playing Negora, and I'm looking forward to bringing her out again next month.

- Negora's personality ended up a little bit different than I had initially intended. After I got into full costume for the first time, it was really interesting to see her start to come out in the middle of the makeup process.
- The first thing my little Earth scholar got to do in-game was watch Asher perform a ritual, and I thought that was really appropriate.
- Answering only particular questions.
- Beryl and Negora's friendship, kickstarted by the phrase, "I like to pretend that people are intelligent."
- Doing yoga stuff and backward bends in the tavern (because my costume is so wonderfully agile).
- Reading Beryl's notes, because he kept leaving them out in the open.
- "It's platonic harassment."
- Negora has the tallest staff.
- Using first aid on Beryl during one of Negora's first mods: "How are you out of healing already?"
- Saturday spell-dumping before remem. Handing out a couple of magic armors and some less-than-helpful bindomancy.
- Beryl's enthusiastic lecture on magic.
- Fighting next to Asher, because two staffs are better than one.
- Casting more spells in one mod than I've ever had on my person at one time.
- Negora and Gandian scrutinizing the placement of the town box.
- Disjuncting in pairs was interesting.
- Staying up late Saturday night, chatting with friends, and finally peeling my wig off at the end of the day.
Thanks PCs and NPCs, for a great opener. Lots of little favorite moments this event. Fun turns of pharase and stuff but its all a blur that I can not recall so just a couple of the things that stick out most.

-Negora--always good to see an alt come in that is polished and feels truly different than the main character
-Echo town mod--the town fought about the best I have seen --two thumbs up to everyone but especially a certain guy with a guard
-Starting the Foci information mod off with blood magic and the numerous style of responses was great. From gagging and refusal all the way to drinking deeply. Fun to see the nuances of each person highlighted a bit
-Watching the Love 9 fiasco unfold...thats about as well as I have seen it go down so props to everyone for keeping things IG and appropriate...oh such a tangled web it is
-Carly's amazing Flamingo Make up
-And the tavern food as always

Edit- Flamingo is the wrong water foul--pelican :P
A wonderful event. Dave blew me out of the water with his work as the best, but admittedly the only, one man ploy team I've ever seen.
Favorite as follows:
- Platonic Harassment.
-Trog knights and the Tennant's of knight hood: drinking stealing and joking.
-Getting taught 8th and 9th level spells and the excellent RP that resulted. Thank you Alexander twice on different characters!
-Late night metaphors with Sun Loving dark elf. Amazing Alexander (I'm detecting a pattern)
-Not felling bad watching a fight now and then.
-Teagues manliest mouse ever. The slightly less manly mouse freaking out over the previous mouse.
-I am eternally impressed with Kale and how well she did being so new.
-Note taking is my new favorite thing.
-Negora and Beryl hit it off very well and I'm excited to see their relationship develop.

Great game!
Good times to be had! I had a lot of fun on both sides of the fence, so here are some of my favorites, in no order:
  • All of the good banter I had with folks throughout the event. It was really great to just hang out in y'all's company, which has been something I've really needed.
  • I am immensely impressed by the way Jessica has jumped right into our game as a new player! Good on you, Keladry!
  • Negora! We didn't interact a ton, but I enjoyed the little we did. Plus, Mariah just looks great in that getup.
  • Remembering and being able to give beyond-specific details about the assorted places where the Foci needed to be destroyed. Gandian remembers errything, yo.
  • Good on Beryl for actually wading through Tirosu's late-night poetic gibberish for the information hidden inside.
  • Round #2 with Moyal the Squidkin! Let's just say that I was not nearly as successful this time.
  • PELICAN GUNK! Great concept, great makeup, great fight, great mod.
  • Collective groans for hot-dropping.
  • That little skeleton hand catapult and that horrid sculpture! Who thought that those were a good idea?
Probably more, but I don't wanna type anymore. See y'all soon enough!
I wasn't planning to NPC so much when I showed up this weekend, but it was a lot of fun. Aside from an occasional mod (usually Sunday morning when I don't feel like redoing makeup), I don't think I've NPC'd for SoMN in about 4 years and it was nice to pop back over for a while.

In no particular order:
- Sir Scalick! He's the best knight because he drinks so much.
- Getting two steps closer to building the big Keepers mace.
- Fern's quarry round 43
- Following DG's twigling around as it was swinging Earth and spellstriking Cure Wounds. No effect, no effect, no effect, thank you, no effect...
- "Briar, you're not coming with us to the Wastes?" "I was gonna, but..." *shrug*
- Dinner was amazing
- Negora looks awesome
- Giant pelican vomiting thrown weapons at us

Every time I hear about Moyal the Squidkin I think mohel and it makes me uncomfortable. :P

Can't wait for the next event! Hopefully I'll see some of you folks at the next Chicago game.
I'm not even sure where to start, to be completely honest. This will probably be a super incomplete list.

-How welcoming and helpful everyone is, both IG and OOG. (Especially Josh)
-Unicorn Plant developments. I almost feel bad for the poor thing, being demoted from protecting the land to keeping a weak elfling less squishy
-Story times in the tavern!
-The whole Love9 situation. For better or for worse: I'm betrothed now. To a human.
-Trying(and failing) to keep the stone elf out of trouble
-Everyone who helped me practice with my dagger. Especially Lilly when she helped me during the flaming undead mod.
-Watching Sir Scalik being chased around the tavern
-Playing with Moyle
-Meeting so many more people!!
-Seeing all the things I can aspire for Keladry (Such as having a useful weapon that doesn't also run me out of all my coin...) Along with trying not to be an inpatient human while playing an elf.

I could go on and on. It was a great weekend.
Traveling so far I was hesitant to come but I enjoyed it all. Truly sorry for the whole love potion #9 oog but it will bring lots of plot. Got a nice feel on my new weapons and made some new friends.
I was very impressed with the newbie environment and the friendliness in game. Hope to travel again
I feel super late on this one now. It's always wonderful when an event exceeds expectations. Favs that I can actually remember:

  • "Is that a mouse?" "*Deep manly voice* SQUEEEEEAK!"
  • "What would happen if Kit had gotten the Focus of corruption?" "He'd corrupt it!"
  • seeing spots from saying 7 incants in one breath, totally worth it but 0 out of 10 man, do not recommend.
And this is what I get for waiting till Tuesday. That is all I can remember. Can't wait to see people at Chicago in a few weeks!