March Fourth

March fourth, 2009, two very important events in my life happened on this date. The first one dropped me bloody and screaming into this world twenty-three years ago. The second one occured in 2006 when Lopez, Kyle, and I all attended the first event of that season. It wasn't Kyle's first event, but it was for Jeremy and me. As a matter of fact, I had only been larping a couple times before and even then they were Rock Paper Scissors affairs that only served to whet our appetites for continued delving into the hobby. But lo, there had we arrived to a campsite where, as Kyle explained, people would soon convene to belt the ever loving crap out of each other with foam covered sticks.

We were not disappointed.

I remember that first event so very clearly. Running around NPCing, barely knowing which end of the stick to hold with only an entire winter's study of the rulebook under my belt. I remember the first time that I got hit by a PC too. Not too fondly, unfortunately. A spear, wielded two handed thrust sharply into my groinal area. Oh, how I remember. I remember the warm cabins and the cold snow. The players and staff were fantastic and I'm now proud to count them among my friends.

So now with three years exactly in the organization behind me, I see a fine future for the game and can't wait to put another three on top of that and another three and so on.

I want to thank everyone who has been involved in my time playing the game and everyone responsible for running it. I can't wait to help make the 09 season the best it can be.
Wow, has it really been three years since that snowy fun filled weekend? Time sure does fly. I can say in no uncertain terms that you and the rest of the Kuhs certainly helped make that a very memorable event for me.

Happy Birthday!

Which reminds me... that means it's Chazz's birthday too!

Happy Birthday to you too!
Oh, how quickly they grow up. *sob*
