March Post-Event Reports


Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
Total PCs: 43
Total NPCs: 19
Total Players: 62
Record attendance!

PC Breakdown by race:
Barbarian: 2
Biata: 1
Dryad: 1
Dwarf: 1
Elf: 5
Gypsy: 3
High Ogre: 3
High Orc: 2
Hobling: 1
Human: 9
Mystic Wood Elf: 7
Sarr: 3
Wylderkin: 4
Stone Elf: 1
I think we just Pokemon'ed the races.

PC Breakdown by Class:
Adept: 1
Artisan: 2
Fighter: 15
Rogue: 7
Scholar: 9
Scout: 1
Templar: 8
Finally the meat shields show up.

APL was about 15.
13 single-digit levels balanced out the 11 level 20+.
Event credit / transfer emails have been sent to chapter logistics for the event.