Mari's Book of Vision Predictions - OOG name collection


I posted this in the Facebook group, but want to cross post it here in case there are folx not over there:

I thought it would be fun to make a "Mari's book of Vision Predictions" for characters from the Campaign. Obviously this is just for RP fun and I don't want to leave out anyone who would want to be included. So if you want a Mari prediction for your character (aka Mitzie bullshiting around) leave a comment with your character's name (and a brief description so I can remember who it is) below! xo
For those who requested a Mari Vision, here is the book in all it's random cracked glory, in which Mitzie makes stuff up and says it with complete confidence.... names and predictions in no particular order, just like her mind. Enjoy.


I've been reading that book, and what I can say is that it's based on the zodiac signs articles, isn't it? Every person in the world maybe not believe, but knows for sure, that there is something mystical about 999 angel number can happen with any of us, at any time. And that magic of numbers shows us miracles, time to time, you just need to learn how to see them.
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