Marscon Programming


Greetings! I am the Masquerade Lounge programming coordinator for Marscon this year ( and I wanted to see if anyone from this group is attending who would be interested in helping host a panel about LARPs.

The Masquerade Lounge hosts programming related to cosplay, costumes, make-up, propmaking, and other art related topics. We do have a group who will be hosting a boffer combat related activities, but I would be interested in having a panel that discusses the costumes, weapons rules of play, etc.

If there is interest, feel free to contact me here or at

It would best to have chapter staff (i.e. our owner Dave) do this, but if he can't make it, I would be interested in representing Alliance LARP (with permission from the chapter of course).
I'm committed to traveling to TC that weekend I think, so have at it, just don't claim you are me ^.^
Email sent!
I might be at Mars con this year. If i see Larp stuff i will swing by.
I'm doing the presentation at 4 PM (tentatively) on Saturday. It'll be a 30ish minute basic info session about LARPing in general and specifics about Alliance, followed by Q&A from the audience for the remainder of the time (15-20 minutes).
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I went to that con last year, was thinking about doing it this year, let me check my dates and I can help
I will definitely be going to Marscon on Saturday.
I hope to be there before noon to look around.
Peter i can help you with the panel if you want.
If not i will be part of the audience cheering.
Should be fun.
So only about a half dozen people showed up or stayed for our panel, after the previous panel about Star Wars filled the room. They were more interested in other types of LARPs than Alliance, specifically SciFi-based, vampires, and non-combat LARPs, which makes sense given the SciFi emphasis of MarsCon. I was hoping for more interest and questions about Alliance, but my overall determination is that this was not the right venue/con for our specific LARP.