Marshals / Infractions / Metagaming / OOG / Adjudication (RETIRED)

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Gettysburg Staff
Rules / Martials

Alliance Gettysburg uses the latest Alliance LARP rules set. Rule books are available online, as well as through us. All players are responsible for a working knowledge of the rules; after all you can’t play if you don’t know how things work. Alliance Gettysburg maintains a current list of rules marshals, who are more than happy to answer any questions. Any and all rules questions, or concerns can be brought to our head of rules for clarification, or resolution of rules disputes. Rules Martials will have a clearly identified in game badge to stay "in game" if they are participating as an NPC or PC. If wearing a white headband they will still retain the badge, you merely will not interrupt them to ask questions.


Accidents happen and occasionally a person will get a rule wrong that would have consequences that could extend out of game and the fun of others. If a player is found to be breaking the rules, but through ignorance and not being malicious, will be given a warning by any individual with a martial badge. They will be instructed where they were wrong and could receive a yellow card from the GM (or proxy)or Owner. Sometimes the infraction may only warrant a "time out" with no card to be issued. If you receive a yellow card that is your official warning to learn your lesson and never do it again (This event or any other). If you suffer a second infraction for the same reason you will be asked to leave the event. This is referred to as a red card. If you receive a red card you will not receive a refund for your event fee.

People who are found to be maliciously breaking rules for any reason will be asked to leave immediately. There does not need to be any warning for serious infractions of the Alliance Rules. (Don't do it!) This is an immediate red card offense.

Continued problems will see that person banned from Alliance Gettysburg events. This is at the discretion of the GM or Owner of the chapter.


Alliance is a game for all players and their characters. At times it can be blurry as to where you may have heard a specific piece of information about a character. At times it can be difficult to allow your character to forget things that you as a person hear or saw out of game. If you are found to bring information into game that could seriously affect another's ability to play along the edges and be sneaky or even evil, when you have no "in game" reason for having that knowledge. You will be warned and immediate corrective action will take place. This may result in "in game revisions of memories of all involved" by Plot to remember it differently.

Understand, not every character is a good guy or a bad guy. If someone commits a crime in the game and does it by the rules and was not witnessed by fact of the marshal involved in witnessing the action, then it better not show up in the discourse of the game. If you get rolled in the woods and it is a legal kill and you resurrect by the rules; then play by the rules and accept the consequences of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Have your PC learn their lesson and move on, don't try to find a way of getting revenge from out of game knowledge. If you are not sure where that information may have been learned then you should default that you learned of it "out of game" and should not bring it up. If it can be proven that you cheated to get that information into game to get revenge you will be yellow carded at the minimum. (Don't cheat, 'nuff said)


All players on site during game hours will be considered "In-Game" unless they are CLEARLY wearing a white headband or hand on head (per rule book). Exceptions are made for specifically designated areas, such as bathrooms and logistics.

All items stored under a bed, or in containers marked OOG are considered personal possessions. Putting in-game items into an OOG marked area to hide/protect them is against the rules (and would be a yellow card infraction). Any questions should be directed to a rules marshal/logistics staff who can help you find out.

All "OOG" items that you need to keep on your person (medicine, player card, tag ring, etc), needs to be kept in a pocket away from "in game" items. As a character, all pouches, belts, bags, etc you carry can be stolen if done in accordance to the rule book. if you need to keep medicine or something important in a pouch on you for real world heath reasons please make sure it is appropriately marked OOG so people leave it alone.


When a player has a problem with a rules call, a death taken, or has an out of game conflict with another player, that player has the right to ask for adjudication. This is a procedure where the player can present their case to the adjudication committee and ask that changes be made. The decision of the committee is final and all conflicts will be seen as resolved after the committee makes its decision.

The adjudication committee is created to preserve the integrity of the Alliance LARP rules system and to lessen conflict amongst players. It is the hope that all disputes can be resolved without the need to for a formal adjudication. However this system is in place in case of an emergency. It is important for all players to understand that the adjudication process is in place to protect the players and not the staff of Alliance Gettysburg. The adjudication committee will always act in the spirit of the rules of the game and the traditions of fairness and good sportsmanship that are so important to Alliance Gettysburg, and the Alliance LARP.

The adjudication committee is made up of three people at all times. The general manager or assistant general manager, one plot committee member, and the Head of rules or one marshal. The GM will have the final decision on which members make up the committee for any specific issue. There will always be three members of the committee to remove the possibility of a tie vote. If one committee member is unavailable a suitable replacement will be found, or the adjudication will be postponed. The player requesting the adjudication will have the option of postponing the adjudication if one of the committee members is not available.

Adjudications may only be requested when a player feels that a rules violation has occurred. When a player sees a rules violation they are to first report it to a marshal. If they do not feel that the marshal has properly resolved the conflict, the player can then approach the GM or AGM and request adjudication. The player will be asked to explain the situation and the GM or AGM will decide whether adjudication is needed. The GM or AGM may confer with the other parties in question and other marshals before making a decision.

After the GM or AGM decides to go ahead with adjudication, the player in question can request to have a player representative to help them with presenting their case to the committee. The player can ask another player they know to be their representative, or the chapter will have players that have volunteered to be player reps. After that the adjudication committee will convene. The player will be allowed to present their grievance and request an outcome. If other parties are involved, they will then be allowed to present their story. The committee members will take turns asking any pertinent questions that will help them make a decision. After all parties have said everything they wish to say, the committee will meet in private and make a decision. The decision of the committee will be final and all parties involved should consider the matter closed. If the player wishes to have further explanation of the committees decision, he or she may ask the head of the committee when it is convenient. Minutes will be kept of every adjudication that will be accessible by the player who called for the adjudication.

Any in game ramifications of an adjudication committee decision will be left to the plot committee to repair. Normally, game events will not simply be undone and players expected to forget game events, rather, the plot committee will develop an in game means to implement decisions made as the result of an adjudication. In extreme cases it may be required for something to be undone, if this is the case the reason for the "game change" would be approved by the adjudication committee and implemented. This "game change" would only be for extreme circumstances and needs final approval by the owner to be implemented.
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