Marshal's Notes


As a reminder for the upcoming event, all player-occupied cabins are required to have Marshal's Notes posted. Marshals will be coming around and checking all cabins at the event.

Logistics will have a standardized Marshal's Notes form there (thanks Sarah!). Please ensure that one person from each cabin gets one of these forms and posts it with the proper information filled out.

Missing Marshal's Notes will result in sanctions, ranging from "oops, you forgot your notes, let me help you fill them out!" to removal of Wards, Circles, traps, etc. If you have questions about the form, please ask at Logistics or ask any Rules Marshal for information on the fields. At the October event we will be more lenient on getting people used to this, but please be aware that in the future, proper Marshal's Notes will be enforced at all events.

As always, use a thumbtack instead of tape when posting anything on cabins.

-Bryan Gregory
NERO Seattle Head of Rules
In the off chance I end up with a wild hare in an uncomfortable place (you know, like the back seat of a VW) and decide to play Roger at the Oct game, is there any way to get a copy of the 'offical notes' before game so I could figure out the best way to put in all the diagrams? If not, will the old 'standard notes' form (usually, the blank bottom half of someone's character sheet) still be acceptable, or do you want everyone moving over to the standard? :D
In the section for cabin protections it notes traps. If you can't fit it all on the standardized form, including a note "see attached trap notes" and attaching said notes will be just fine.