Maxwell follows de pathway south


I vas vondering. Is der to be any of my Romani cousins, or good friends, dat vill be coming to de marketday? (oog - Nov 12th) De omens say dat must be der, but dey say not why. I follow de omens and see, maybe it is just for some great company.

Maxwell Maximus Maldavia Moore

I teach, entertain, and inspire.
I read de omens and see de future.
I rub de backs and heal the wounded.
I brew de good drink and bring song and vit to de masses.

MMMM, come and see de Maxwell if you are needing any of dese. Or even if you are not needing any of dos and just vant to bend my ear. I velcome any good company.
Maxwell! Gorka Travel up from Gaden. Any more HoG come? Rezic still has standing order for protrits of all your guild mates.

- Gorka
Gorka! Is pleasure to hear from you. I do believe that Rezzik and TadRon vill be der. I am uncertain as to who else might go, but ve vill have a good time to be sure!

Glad I will haves friends, I make lots friends. Gorka Stay with HoG friends? I haven't ever been to these lands and am a bit scared. What should Gorka know when she travel there?

- Gorka
I think dat ve might be able to find you a protected place to sleep my friend.
