May 1513 Rumors

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Regardless of whether they are orange, red, mauve, or any other color that hasn’t been spotted yet, the oozes that have been popping up lately are sorta icky.

Bonded Guardsman Woods is training up a personal army, one fighter at a time.

It seems all the weird weather has calmed down now. Whoever did what they did to stop it must have done it well.

Still, there seems to be a weird shimmery effect in the sky sometimes, like some sort of wavy heat haze. It is really subtle, comes and goes at random intervals, and nobody knows what it could mean.

Briar wants the First Fallen Leaf of Autumn just so he can put it in his hair.

Duke Idden has been seen outside of the capital more often nowadays. You reckon he’s looking for something, or just keeping an eye on his Duchy?

Someone is making a grand ship to sail the rivers of the Sheltered Lands!

Cho Ko Nu is guilty!

Cho Ko Nu is innocent!

Cho Ko Nu was framed! It was all the work of another barbaric oaf with too many weapons!

Sir Durthang has seemed sort of moody in the capital lately. I wonder what the matter is.

There’s some new Corrupt that can become invisible! Or maybe some are just sneaky. Probably the latter.

There is no such thing as an Attercob. It’s all just a hoax made up by some attention-seeking dryads.

Road blocks halting passage to the Shademarch area have started popping up. Who is putting these up?