May 26-29 2023 Favorites!


Chicago Staff
Back by popular demand. Please drop your favorites into this thread and keep dropping your different forms of art on our social media pages! I'll edit this to add my favorites later on, so check back in!

* tree time with halcyon
* the story of emperor thaddeus
* all of the plays
* 2v1 training with Iggy
* finally pulling off the big hit on the poachers
* gold rank!
* late night chats with a chaos dragon with gifts
* cannibal pirates and the repped octopus
* early morning trips to the aquarium
* everything wallamog. From discovery to chats.
* the purple carbunkles and helping get Kores first ritual together
* Mist sense and fishing
* the tidewalker randomly appearing on a passwall mod, like running into the legendary dogs in pokemon
* The taking of noxfell, very satisfying for all the build up
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As a new player, the game was incredibly fun but here are some of the highlights I remember in no particular order:

-Using a corset to put the shield on the chair in order to make a throne
-Interactions I had with others as a Langoso pirate (shout out to Kat, Iban, and J'rajj)
-Mildly infuriating Captain Neressa with sea shanties after we were told we were 'serious pirates'
-The cat race (shout out to Zach absolutely going mach speed)
-The pixie people party
-Accidentally going on my first ever date with Gregor as Sylvia
-Late night chats

I'll probably add more when I remember
It was good to be back. Seeing all my friends and getting up to silly shenanigans along with some legitimate activities as well. These are in no specific order. And all I can recall currently.
  • Being a Celestial scholar again. I do miss it.
  • Hanging out with the Rose Wardens and seeking a Sword of Legend. Meeting Marna and being proved wrong. As Liddia thinks most things are a trap and will end poorly. Trauma from the Vampire Wars and Kaz'ik are real.
  • Blood ghosts and the appearance of the Emerald Archer Aeris out of left field was super fun.
  • Sky Pearls, sky peals, sky pearls. I will gladly accept all reps once the magic is gone....for reasons.
  • Korē's first ritual. You done good kid.
  • Hearing the voice of the Jelly Sea Guardian. I loves that accent.
  • The whole encounter with a man lost out of space and time. My dorky mind kept thinking of how would Miles O'Brien solve this transporter accident. The representation of disability and brotherhood was so damn touching. The world isn't all skull duggery.
  • The Arborist. I've not seen Dramathin choke up like that in a long, long time. The Peaceful Bliss of Death and the cycle renewing was glorious.
  • The archeological mishaps and debate between science and grave robbery. Glorious.
  • The March to Passwall and the exsanguination of a Duke in front of us. Damn. Sid and Alexander that was great.
  • The payoff with the Sting. Hopefully I'll move up in game in my Blackmoon Sentinels rank. Damn Envious you scary.
  • Late night chicken chasing. You all better give Chase the Ceramic **** in all his rooster glory a good home.
  • More golem modules with almost every Celestial scholar in town.
  • I adore Magic Experiments. Casting with DeSylvia was fun.
  • I liked the Earth Guild meeting. Eve don't leave me!!!!
  • Hanging with folks between modules and just chilling.
I look forward to seeing you all in the near future.

I'm still sore from the weekend. But in a good way :)

lets see what I remember, I was out of it come monday.

- Dara treating me like their my momma, sending me to bed monday, checking on me and yelling at me to get off my phone as I was checking something instead of sleeping.

- Chicken Chasers - wait is the fox put the chickens back into the hen house?

- Wrapping up the ooze/Lester plot series, a month sooner than I planned, but felt nice having my people pursue my first plot series.

- all of the new NPC's!

- Being a part of Neressa, second time I've been a part of that style of creature, the first was my first event and part of what hooked me on larp.

- late night chats

- Triska becoming Hunter Triska, first step on that renown path!!!

I'm sure I'm missing some, and will have more to add.
This event was an absolute whirlwind and I am so grateful for this wonderful community! Some of my favorites are as follows:
1. Casting my first ritual! I think it's safe to say that I'm hooked on rits now.
2. Trying to help Briar understand cleaning up his messes.
3. Learning that the strigoi and the carbuncles are connected. That's not terrifying at all...
4. Earth Guild meeting! Super excited to get into shenanigans with ritual experimentation and other nonsense!
5. Pleasant....conversations with Lady Bancroft.
6. Euron sitting down at dinner Sunday night and saying "Okay, someone tell me what the **** is going on! Why do I have a dead duke?"
7. Sid subsequently being broken by the absolutely delicious gumbo.
8. The fantastic plays that everyone put together for the Heroes Week celebrations!
9. Trying to talk to Nathaniel Moroe and getting ahold of the Grasp on the other end.
10. All the incredible people that I get to play with and call friends! Thank you all so much for another memorable event and I can't wait to see where these stories go next!

In the meantime.....I'm really looking forward to NPCing this coming event! Gonna be a blast!
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- Learning SO much about gavaria. I was very behind in the goings-on and lore and was able to catch up really quickly.
- So much undead to fight! I am a sucker for fighting undead.
- Wallamog. I laughed so hard I cried, which is a look for a makeup race.
- Neressis. Naresissa? The octopus lady fight. The repping was great and I got to faceplant in the dirt like 10 times in a row.
- Crab guy who I can't remember the name of but actually have written down for once. So *angry* and I LOVED The repping with all of the claws on alexander's belt.
- Excellent pissed off archer roleplay from claire. Neener neener, our squad had all the shields.
- The aquarium mod. Never spellstruck a child before. And I'm a sucker for fish facts. Plus the sudden realization that the last watcher was there!
- Getting my shield all magic'd up
- The whole scene with the duke and the vampire in Noxfell. Absolutely fantastic, chilling roleplay.
- Nearly getting TPK'd by random aquivian cabal dudes at the very end of the event
- The dragon poacher doublecross, and the skipper interrogation. Kind of scumbag you can't help but like.
- Fishing mod! The triton npc was delightful to interact with
- Tons and tons and tons more, a long event that went off incredibly well IMO
The event was a lot of fun. Some favorites for me!

- Seeing the Neressa fight come together and the prop working better than I had hoped. I wanted to redo that creature and I was very pleased.
- Sword of the Shifting Crescent mod. It was intended as a combat/rp but once I saw the mod space it turned into an entirely different mod about a spirit with intense Agoraphobia. Props to Vaelin and Iban and the rest for a very soothing, helpful demeanor for Marna.
- Poor Baykok Aeris just wanted to do her job, instead she got called back for Overtime duty elsewhere. Acting on the verge of a person snapping was a lot of fun against those shields. "Okay Aeris, breath. I know you don't have lungs, but pretend you do, I can be calm" *Weapon Strike Disarm shield* *Parry* "STOP IT".
- The THEATER was incredible. The tale of Thadius Maximus where no one played themselves was delightful. "Hey kid, let's do some Alchemy". Even Ol WILLIE was great.
- The convincing of Envious to help with the Poachers mod, and the description and chaos that came at it's conclusion.
- Listening in on Wallamog.
- I knew Sid was going to bite Alexander. I didn't know he'd ravage the guy for near a minute.
- All the Lore and hearing PCs talk about putting the pieces together.
- Back when Kazzik was around I loved walking into town and talking with PCs knowing everyone had to play nice, and he'd do the same. I'm glad that dynamic can exist again with another NPC.
- PCs showing up to the Gillymog mod and stealing the entire grove of flowers instead of like, 3. Sad fluffy bears.
- All the shots the Rose Wardens took on Clarissa Bancroft and the dispute of rumors in the paper.
- NPC camp was wild and fun, but huge props to Ana for holding it all together for us.

See ya next week!