May Event 2010!

Alliance Seattle's next event is May 14-16 at Millersylvania State Park ELC.

You may Pre-Pay this event by using Paypal to send $46.60 to Don't forget to put down your character name. You may Pay-no-Play by sending payment to this address as well. Do not send your pre-registration to this address. Pre-Pay pricing ends May 7th. In order to qualify for the Pre-Pay price (so that you do not owe money at the door), you must also Pre-Register. Pre-Registration must be sent to by May 7th.

If you Pre-Register by May 7th but do not Pre-Pay, your at-the-door price will be $55. If you neither pre-pay nor pre-register the cost at-the-door will be $65.

If you intend to NPC, the cost will be $20 at-the-door if you let plot know you will be attending by May 7th, or $25 at-the-door if you do not. If we receive enough Pre-Pays, NPCing will be free. (This will be announced if it occurs).

Current list of Pre-Pays received as of: May 9, 2010:
Adam S
Ron Leota
Andy Giesman
Bryan Gregory
Seth Bird
Scott Bogumil
Carmen Swift
James Powell
David K.
I should probably note that pre-registration is open an closes on May 7th.

Current list of Pre-registrations:

Adam Staiger - Avaran (Oregon)
Scott Bogumil - Eric D. Byron (Oregon)
Karl Smith - Bode Colwell
Seth Bird - Alavatar Peece
Bryan Gregory - Polare Lissenstine
Brad Lewis - Eli
Ronald Leota - Alcandar
James Powell - Dassio
Jordan Fleming - Vanyel
Judy O'Neil - Matilija Brown (Oregon)
Dashiel Carlet - Jack Fenton Jr. (Oregon)
Doug Carlet - Jack Fenton (Oregon)
Kirsten Olin - Leanore
Carmen Swift - Elethea

Joe Hundley
Nick Grill (Oregon?)
Jimmy Hastings (Oregon)
Nate Bainbridge (Maybe)
Jordan McFarland (Oregon)
Amy M. (Oregon?)
Matt Hertzog
Nick Bond (Plot)
Matt O. (Plot)

***Updated 05/07/2010***
Ooh, me! Me!
So bad news folks, as it stands right now I more then likely will not be attending the event due to my increasing chaotic work schedule. Sorry... : (
what about this weekend in oregon?
I will be there as an NPC - I have not played at Seattle before, but I have NPC'd the last couple of Oregon games

Well, it looks like I wont be able to make it, real life things come into play and need to take care of them. Jorbie and Bill will also not be making the event. We hope that you all have fun and be safe.

Disregard my previous statement, I will be there to show you the true meaning of brutality and metal. \m/ >.< \m/