May Event: Favorite Moments


Well. I will say this again... the entire trip for me cost somewhere need $350 dollars. And it was well worth the price. Lots of fun combat (at least for me), lots of fun roleplay, lots of "getting to know you" moments and most of all lots of future planning.

So let me sum it up with my top 10 favorite moments-

1) The roleplay with the Raccoons. Diego, July and March are my favorites. So much laughing and having a good time. (If anyone knows who they are out of game, let them know that Paul, aka Bones, had a wonderful time getting to know their characters!)
2) The "Xenophobic Humans", specifically lord a$$hat from Douchbaggenshire. So much fun getting to roleplay with them.
3) The goblin fighting. So many goblins. So awesome.
4) Roleplaying with Equilibrium. I mean those tusks... SO HAWT! ;-)
5) The food made by Chelsea E... lordy lordy.
6) The awkward conversations Bones had with ANY female MWE. Especially Nova and Semira. Poor Bones.
7) Zeth's Team. Aka, Team Awesome Super Cool.
8) 3 epic rescues for Bones, and the scolding he got each time. "Don't run off ahead, Bones!", "Bones! Stop dying!" and "Damnit Bones, I am a healer, not a miracle worker!"
9) Shin barking orders (no pun) to Bones and Bones doing what he can to help. Also, the epic race up the hill to get away from the baddies, whilst tripping and rolling and tumbling to get past our lines.
10) The execution of 2 players. This scene really opened Bones' eyes. Bones asked everyone, "So now that they have been killed for their crimes, what do you think about them?" to which everyone said "I don't trust them and I highly doubt that I ever will." And because Bones' cares so much for everyone (even though he would NEVER admit it) he took those two "killers" under his wing and had them join his house. That execution sort of showed Paul how much humility and compassion Bones can have for others in the town.

So yeah. Those were my favorite moments. What about you guys?

1. The awkward stares between Roann and his then companion when first seeing Scruffy in action.
2. Hearing Polaire proclaiming "My kill, my loot!" Every ten seconds.
3. Smelling that delicious tavern food. I wasn't on the meal plan but Chelsea (i believe) was kind enough to sneak me a scrap of steak.
4. Eating pork and beans, cold, from the can like a savage, also early morning ravioli breakfast with Avisto Fox, wherein we both decided we'd rather starve.
5. Getting to show my characters sociopathic tendencies, the plot leading up to Scruffy's mutilation, and the IG and OOG realization that my character, despite his psychological disconnect, does have a moral fiber or two, as evidenced by his choosing on a whim to keep the kin alive and ultimately confess.
6. The tense looks and hour or two of skirting the edges of town before the trial.
7. Managing to escape from Zeth, only to realize it was pointless. Adrenaline is an excellent indicator of awesome roleplay.
8. How cool everyone was both IG and OOG regarding our status as public enemy and all of the fantastic roleplay that came from it (you know who you are)
9. New doors opening in the aftermath, and the roleplay dynamics I never expected to see.
10. Getting to stay with Zeth, Talia, Maven and Kade again. I enjoyed you guys, shame it had to end for IG reasons but I look forward to seeing you all again.
11. Being reverse pickpocketed by Zodiac, whoever actually did it gets props. My IG brother got targeted at least three times.
12. Roleplay, specifically with Shin(Shen?), Marcus, Maealas, Zeth, Nova, Norin and company, Dab, and Fox.
13. The largely OOG ******** in the smoker's guild with Absalon, Fake Santiago and others. I'm still laughing.
14. Learning, OOG, how screwed I was from the getgo in regards to being convicted, and how my confession to Zeth, thinking he already knew, was the nail in the coffin.
15. Forgot one, but new nicknames: Mutilator, Innocent, and of course, The Brothers Grimm.
1. Larping for the first time ever.
2. Becoming an ignorant accessory to the mutilation of Scruffy.
3. Getting my hand cut off for being an ignorant accessory to the mutilation of scruffy.
4. Almost dying in a goblin raid because I only had one hand and a two handed sword.
5. Meeting a whole new crowd of people IG and OOG because the people I rode into town with turned out to be terrible terrible human beings. (I love you Keegan. <3)
6. Being able to re-gain the trust of everyone in town and offer my services as a bodyguard a few times as well.
7. Thousand Bones.
8. Leading a group of about 15 people made up of mostly new PCs in an epic quest for sand!
9. Being able to develop Avisto Fox more than I thought possible in one weekend. I created him and I learned more about him than I expected from the people he met and the... Interesting... situations he got himself into.

I'm REALLY REALLY looking forward to the next one and hope to see you all again there!
Firstly, huge shout out to the new plot team and all the new players. I was amazed by both groups - not only a huge influx of new faces to have fun with but a great event run by a brand new plot team. All around applause.

In no specific order:
1. Painful reflections with the family on the nature of losing loved ones.
2. Drunk o'clock
3. Cards against Tarndale.
4. Where is our Wine rack?
5. Revenge is a dish best served with Seafood.
6. Training with Shay
7. Reading material for Tantarus and Co.
8. A huge shout out to the Intense RP that resulted from the mutilations. The trial both IG and OOG was impressive. I felt it was some of the cleanest PvP I've seen in my entire LARP carrier. Well done. Especially for you NEW PLAYERS. Way to raise the bar.
9. Meeting Monty from Acarthia. Good to make acquaintances from far away places
10. Growing pains.
11. Watching both new and old players alike group together and act cohesively. Very impressive from all parties! This is something that not even old larpers do all the time.
12. Re-starting the 'Town' was great with everyone.
13. All the revealed information just wetting the appetite. Need/Want more.
14. Sumnus, as ever.

1: Shoving my way into a private briefing and then brusquely interrogating a millennia-old being of unclear but significant power.
2: Going from a total stranger to a member of the Healer's Guild actually faster than overnight.
3: Scaring the pants off of nearly all of the high-level fighters in the darkness.
4: Making Garrick check his cultural bias whilst being tutored in magic.
5: Total tin-hat theories actually panning out. Having enough information to form total tin-hat theories in the first place!
Just don't tell anyone where some of those tin hat theories came from.
But proper attribution is essential to research!
1) Broken Mists! It was a blast coming together as a real house and hanging out with y'all! Thanks to everyone there for a great time.
2) Karzel's professional snatch-and-grab. That was awesome!
3) Getting to know all of the new faces!
4) Hosting battle group tactics training with Nova, then seeing every group absolutely rock it on the skull & number disc recovery mod. That was impressive!
5) Everything involving Shin and Shay. Absolutely everything.
6) The elemental battle on Saturday night was way fun! Seth, those light harness props were out of this world! And Adam, you did a killer job playing the big elemental!
7) The food. Chantell, that was amazing! I miss your pork already!
8) Thousand Bones - pretty great! I enjoyed every interaction.
9) Equillibrium - the whole costume together was great, and she was super helpful!
10) Ritual casting with Polare. That was scary. We miss you Alavatar!
11) They did what to the puppy?!?!
12) The goblins. The masks were spot-on, they were roleplayed great, and they were fun to fight!
13) The props! The concillium looked neat, and having the map available on the tavern wall was fantastic! I also loved the elemental essence props.
14) Getting the beejeebus scared out of me by Vellis in the woods during the Saturday Night elemental fight. You're so sneaky!

Thanks to everyone for making the game such a blast!
Samyania said:
But proper attribution is essential to research!
You... I like you. You can stay.
1) The formulation and execution of Team Zeth. Being able to point at elementals and say "Kill it," and then watching it get butchered is remarkably satisfying. My guys were awesome!

2) Harkonian porn. Srsly, guys? -.-

3) All the raccoons! Kiarra getting a felony! :D

4) Failing to successfully eavesdrop on Roann, but him failing to know that. Actually, that whole freaking thing. That was awesome. You guys were champs.

5) Not dying during my biggest set of rituals yet. Also, casting twelve rituals this event without something going exceptionally wrong. It's just a matter of time.... ;)

6) Taliya. Everything Taliya.

7) Talking with Garrick about learning from one's own mistakes, and other important things.
This was my first Alliance LARP event, I had a blast.

The varied amount of characters with all their different fighting styles was astounding.

All the people who interacted with the S*** talking goblin were fantastic.

Being taken hostage was one of the highest points of the game for me, you all wanted a variety of things from the NPC from making him a pet to having him join your ranks. Thanks for that.